Wednesday, August 16, 2006

If `Recycling ` on space-time living is science, why reincarnation of spirit-soul-consciousness is not . It does not need Einstein`s brain to speculate ,contemplate and calculate on this idea. What I propose here, cannot be proved on material field but needs honest and intelligent thinking or contemplation.
What Einstein wrote in 1905 was proved 17 years later (light bends by the pull of gravitation).
If matter-energy is constant and interchangeable (E = MC-square), spirit /soul/consciousness is also unchangeable and renewable and can take shelter in new form of life ( new born life).
After string theory ,Meg averse theory and Parallel Universe, even common man`s common sense has the potential capacity to conclude that Big -bang origin should have a designer just as the Empire Building must have an Architect behind its planning.
First cause or the divine or any name you give that should not have a belly-button (biological beginning of Divinity) for, that will necessitate parents to open up the `play`.


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