Tuesday, August 08, 2006

MATTER-ENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESS ; (In Lighter Vein ) Where our Consciousness come from ? If matter is mutable and consciousness immutable , how are the both interlinked (in spite of Einstein`s law of matter-energy equivalence (E=MC square).
Whether the egg came first or the hen !..... And Sri Aurobindo ,some when, joked.-the cock was someway involved. Or, another tale in lighter vein :-

There was a deeply sincere botanist studying a tree all absorbed. He was measuring the total weight of the tree in a different experimental way. Suddenly he found a big bird flying away from the top branch of the tree. The contemplative Scientist was single-minded-researcher and never knew much about birds. So he concluded that -bird is an out-growth or product of the tree like leaves and branches and its flying away makes the tree lose proportional weight.
* (The tree`s loss is of weight does not concern us but we are at a loss to know -what Consciousness is and where we get it from ?)


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