Friday, September 08, 2006

.....`often behind these ancient mythologies are nuggets of truth; often, I am sorry to say, behind the fine, polished phrases of the moderns are arrant trash. so we need not throw everything overboard because it is clothed in mythology.......
,In modern times if a man quotes a moses or a Buddha or a Christ , he is laughed at; but let him give the name of a Huxley, a Tyndall, or a Darwin and it is swallowed without salt....that was a religious superstition and this is a scientific superstition..............
Every evolution presupposes an involution.... you can only get the amount of energy out of a machine which you have previously put into it.....The religion of the world of course hold that the force called thought manifest the body and not the reverse........To say that the force called soul is the outcome of the combination of the molecules of the body is putting the cart before the horse.`( from complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Vol -2 )


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