Monday, May 18, 2009

AVADHOOT - GEETA (Vedantic Spirit) II

All those' meditations'! - give them up ; give up even your sense of good and bad . Slowly, sip the nectar of detachment -dear; to embrace and enjoy the etrnal bliss !

The sky is not real , nor the Sun ; the earth is not real, nor the fire. If everything is but the same at source ; why surrender to grief,- thou desiring mind !

The Real Yogi has no meditating time; nor ever is ,dear, without it. The real Enjoyer seeks not bhoga[enjoyment], nor does denounce it : he always moves in restive mind , with his inward swinging mood of Existence !

This perceptual Universe is a 'magic' play or like a mirage, - on a desert - field . Indiivisible and formless is the the REALITY , dear , and evrywhere ever is the Divine outside or within. [concluded] Edited, compressed ; transcreated through transliteration - Hiranmoy Gautom.


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