Thursday, February 17, 2011


[As told by Ramakrishna ; in 'Kathamrita]
'Once I( Ramakrishna) was going to the jungle area beside the pond for my 'mornng -habits'. There I heard a croaking cry some little beyond and found a water snake trying to swallow a big frog .
The snake tried its best to gulp the frog in but thr grog was too big .... So the frog with a part within the snake's mouth, was trying hard to get out and was protesting loud while the water-Snake was also trying its best to do it's job'---

Rama keishna was using analogy and metaphor to explain the difficulty and crisis , where the worthy advanced disciple was in the grip of ' bad teacher' who was like the water-snake with out enough potency and thus could neither swallow such a large frog nor could release the frog. And the result was that both the frog (disciple) and the water-snake (bad teacher) were in wrechted conditions.


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