Thursday, October 06, 2011


My hypothesis cmpares life to a BIOLOGICAL COSMIC TOY OR ROBOT and I dare to make the inference on the basis of Cosmoogy, Biology and pre-vedic and Vedic Science that ourLIVUNF Body is like a 5 storey building with basement and roof added up to make 7 levels(floors) of a 5story house,
And 7 is a cosmic number The Yniverse is ony mathematics or pay of numbers) the spectrum has 7 shades, Also there are seven ayers of space in Universe e,g (Bhu/ Bhuva /swa/ maha/jana tapa &. brhma-ok ; Vedanta).
Now to the gyst and Compressed; cmbing thru ladder of Physical Science ; After birth our first CEntre is Sacra lexus or Lower Vital Center for our survival Growth and sustenace(pre-pubertal). This is MUADHAR center in Spiritual Science. NEXT (II) is SeX -Center or Reproductive Mechanism for continuation of Genetic flow (Recycing or re-incarnation of material ingradients of ife, This is Swadhisthan of Spiritual science or KUNDALINI Center of of Shaivic or PREVEDIC Spiritual Root. All creative and artistic or any higher evolution is the final manifestation of this KUNDALINI Force. Genius is nothing but the way of transferring ths cosmic Creativeforce to its desired goal. Next( III) is NAVAL CENTER ( Manipura) or TRUE VITAL CENTER whore from (with the some Endocrene glands) the Vital and Energy source of LIFE works to help KUNDAINI (SEX -FORCE ) to evolve into Cosmic Power.. Up to this level we are all spina man or animal -force.Once the HEART CENTER (Iv) is reached and Expands our CONSCIOUNESS spreads out towards UNIFYONG quality and start learningreal LOVE (just reverse the word and you get the real meaning of lovethatis EVOLVING.Next Center(V) is Center for expression or reaising -out the potentiality within us when we have rea MAN of UNIFYING LIFE. and our Kundaini force has transformed into various floering i.e sport, art, creativescienc, poetry , crative thinking , giving out etc. Thus the animal or spina man is now transforming himself into a GlLOBAL MAN.Next (VI) the THIRD EYE CENTRE or Centre for COSMIC VISION ; reseved for people ike NEWTON, EINSTEIN, MOTZART< BRTHOVEN, < RAMAKRISHNA for whom the tTOTAL VISION IS WITHIN A GLANCE.. And down fall in their Path is almost an abnormality, NOw Last(VII) is the SUPRA-COSMIC or DIVINES' ZONE or SAHRA or the ROOF as I ike to Name, This not within the house but not outside the BUILDING to and once you reach the rof the SKY becomes your roof and the whole Universe your Base ( "I am on this world but not of this word" - Jesus; St Matheas, Bible).
Enough for to day. Next if , get chance, shall bring the ENDOCRENE RCHESTRA (9 Endocrene gands ) to play the MUSIC of thie 'GRAND DESIGNER'.


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