Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Without spiritual awakening all rituals and religious practices are vain effort's sensory including visual objects originate in Consciousness by the reflection of the mind
The realised person never feels lonely even if he lives alone. Even in action he does not feel involved or while talking does not lose his inner quiet. He does not desire what is not easily offered to him, He is not disturbed in distress nor does feel elated in
To spiritual elites the perceptual universe is nothing but a play or `Leela` of Brahman.
All seven Heavens are but cosmic wavelengths within our mind/soul complex depending on our spiritual attainment..
The Absolute never works or create but only desires and manifests through involution-evolution play of Consciousness..
The Word God is only a logo and bears variable meanings.. God is not an anthropomorphic biological being nor our Heaven - a physical space's Time-space dimension.
Religion is most often identified as an ethnic and sociocultural practices and belief, mostly a sort of external identification regarding individual and community faith influenced by historical and geographical back-drop with belief in unexplained super-natural powers.
Ideally religion is one`s way of living and responding to the surrounding events and environments.
It is better to learn a good thing and practise it in life than gathering knowledge like a store-keeper.
It is only fool`s idea that that different religion have different Gods. If there is god , that god must be the lord of everything, every being all the time and anywhere in the Cosmos and Even beyond..There can be only one God, good or bad.
Our real identity is not our body or mind but our soul-consciousness that survives Death and is transferred to our next life with our qualitative experiences. There we acquire a new ego for self-identification.. And this `there ` is not a physical space as emphasised before.


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