Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My God has no belly-button;- believe it or not... nor there can be different god for different sects, races or even solar systems.
If there is God he is the lord of whole Cosmos. It does not need rocket-science brain to know.. This is common sense.
If our God had a belly-button He would have to have a mothers womb and a participating father . Even he needed his skull, heart, kidney and bladder. and provision for toilet. Biological life came long long ,long after God manifested his consciousness in `Jag-at` or the cosmos.
Believe it or not, no body is under God . There is no physical position needed for the Divine..All that exist , live or evolve, is within THAT and That within all. My God is neither` he, nor `she, nor ,it` . My god is the first Cause and immutable consciousness light-Divine creating all earthly light ,all earthly forces and all worlds ,galaxies and all existence mutable and immutable.


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