Saturday, September 09, 2006

(After Swami Vivekananda - Ref Complete works - vol ii }
"what we call matter does not exist at all. It is only a certain state of force. Solidity, hardnessor or any other state of matter can be proved to be the result of motion........... A thread of spider`s web , if it could be moved to almost infinite velocity, would be as strong as an iron chain and would cut through an oak tree.....
...It was the Atman which through the bright body, ...woked on the gross body.......Atman , what ever it may be has neither form nor shape and which has neither form nor shape must be omnipresent.
Time begins with mind, space also , is in the mind........ Without the idea of succession, there can not be any idea of causation. Time, space , causation are therefore, in the mind.".


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