Friday, September 08, 2006

Even in earthly field of knowledge , we -think , contemplate and propose through, hypothesis, thesis and theories and then wait untill we can prove on material ground. In olden golden days when there was no scientific machine or sophisticated instruments to experiment the scientific theories into provable facts and the spirit of the world in a few sages was so high that they could see event or facts through their power of contamplation and meditation.
Yesterday *8th sept., 06 disclosed a scientific concliusion that "Earth like planets" may be more common than even speculated and about one-third of all solar system have planets supporting life. O.K...
In 1886 radio-telescpope was invented (if i am not wrong) when news about teeming galaxies with solar systwem like ours were admitted.
In 1993 an Idian sage ,(Sree-Ramakrishna) uneducated by Western standard told his expeience in ~SAMADHI` that like millions and millions of crabs swimming on the Ganges , there are living worlds scattered in the universe( ref- Kathamrita ).
Scientifcic world did not believe or even notice this saying. That is the law of science and is understandable.
It took !7 to 19 years for science to experiment and prove that Einstein was right regardong the bending of light by gravitational force.There are other events where science had to wait for long years to establish proof for intuitive revelations. Only recently 47 Ursae Major was discovered on our solar neighbourhood.
Now after almost 125 years an Indian divinine`s unheeded observation with is disciple , is becoming true even in Super -Scientific field. Our universe is not alone (Megaverse); matter is oly frizen energy (E=;Mc.Scquare) ; all experiences are onle vibration (Sabda -brahma).All matter is product of vibrating `STRING` All earthly realities are game of relativity( Absolute vs Cosmic maya or play of Elcromagnatic field.). The Absolute is the only and IT`s manifestation is consciousness in which we,all visible and possible ,are submeged.
The First Cause is the ABSOLUTE which is prior to all Big-Bangs and Its manifestation is CONSCIOUSNESS. We all are within it and pervade3d by it. Life is play of life force (Prana) and Consciousness of the Absolute ,illuminating and manifestating ITSELF. The more we know , further we have to go to find THAT


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