Friday, September 15, 2006

`Theory Of Everything` by _ Stephen Hawking
In quantum theory ,-particle can be created out of energy in the form of particle/anti-particle pairs..............Classical theory is no longer a good description of the universe. there need not be any singularity in quantum theory.
Imaginary Time may sound like science fiction but in fact , it is a well defined mathematical concept.................God may know , how the universe began but we can not give any particular reason for thinking, , it began in one way or other . On the other hand the quantum theory has opened up a new possibility. In this there won`t be any boundary to space-time. there would be no singularities nor any edge of space-time.
The Universe would be completely self-contained . It would neither be created nor destroyed. ........Imaginary time is really, the fundamental Time and what we call real time is some thing we create in our mind............God allow the universe to evolve according to certain set of laws. He does not intervene to break the law once it is out.


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