Friday, February 19, 2010


1. Give Rs 5/-e to a begger; but Dotn't think that you are helpng that beggar . You are only inspiring him more to be a beggar and spoiling his faith in himself . But you are , from another angle ,enlargig your soul and power of giving . So be grateful to the beggar and wait not for a salute or 'thank you'.

2. Believe not in the 'sermon' - 'Don't tell a lie'. . Every one lies , even the priests tells lies more frequently. The famous writers practise lies more often but helps societiy by stealing others' experiences and printing in different names to (help their own fortune too) help people to think for themselves. The Doctor lies when he tells his dying patient , - 'You will be alright' and that's really 'noble lie'.And .... do not hesitate to lie , if it saves any one's life. Don't lie for self-gain.

3.Don't try to do good to any one or being . Who are you that you can do good. You can only help ,if asked.How you know that your doing good is not harming another way.Even some mothers harm their child by over doing in affection and blind love.
Best is to ; - donn't harm any one consciously even if it is an insect. And , finally , don't even kick a stone without a reason.


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