Tuesday, August 03, 2010


//Q Why different Gods in different places - e,g God, Allah, Ishwara etc.? /= Not different God but different names, like languages. 'Sages' of Vedic period said -"Ekam sat , Bipra bahudha vadanti"[sanskrit] meaning -'Truth is one ,yet, scholars describe it in various ways'//Q What is HINDUISM ? /- present name of 'Brahmanya' Reigion out of PURANIK interpretation and in reality a branch of SANATAN faith of Vedic Reigion.Only, 'Hindu'-word is a Persian-Invaders' distortion of "Sindhu" or Indus Valley civilisation.//Q. Shoud there be too many religions or only One ? /= In a Flower Garden, shoud there be olny one type of flower or good many types !//Q. But what about 'Ritualism ? /=They are natural adaptation in the proces. A Vioinist sit in certain ways, a Drum-player in another, a horse -rider in his own way.Even a prof, steps in the class in certain way.//Q Do you believe in 'Idol' -Worship ? /= Even if I don't I do not disrespect other's ways and faith. Do you beieve in the Symbol of 'Cross' or your childrens photos or toys ! //Q - Do you believe in Re-birth' or 'Re-incarnation' ? /= Do you believe in modern & scientific 'Re-cycling' // Q -Why all religions fight so much against others ? /=Religions are more often , less followed for God-search but exploited and abused foe Ethnic , Political or Commercial gains. ( contd)


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