Friday, October 01, 2010



Yes that is what we all are . Not only Human species but all living beings too. I shall try to estabish my thoughts and thesis by taking Human life as an Exampe with my background knowledge (acquired) of human physiology and Biology :
We human beings have nine sets of Endocrine Glands in our body that pours specific chemicals in our Circulating Blood to work at an integrated functional level and excite or stimulate us to receive and react to external conditions of Nature or Internal environment of our bioogical functional receptions and reactive responses that we know as our life and living conditions. Let us know these Endocrene Glands : i) We have two within our brain and they are Pituitary Gland and Pineal Gland. Then we have on the front part of our neck two sets of Glands i.e iii) Thyroid and IV) Para thyroid Glands . The next set of Autonomic systems are our V) Vagus ( Cranial Nerve X ) and VI)sympathetic Nerve tracks infuenced by parasympathetic and sympathetic system thatt control our Vital (Respiratory and Metaboic functions).
Next in our abdomen we have the VII ) Pancreas that makes and secretes insulin to regulate our Glucose level and storage of it in liver( Glycogen). Next comes the set VIII) of Gand sitting on the top of our kidneys and known as Supra -Renal. They9Sreroids) function as Emergey Agents to deal in CRISIS of body Function .
Last of all, to mention, but most important for our Existence by Expansion through fertiity and Reproduction is our IX) sex Glands .
Thus we have nine sets of Autonomic hormonal reguatory levels that seperately and jointy regulates our body and mind to make us feel that we are iving beings on the COSMIC level of EXISTENCE that we call LIFE..
I have, here , tried to draw a sketch of Living process in lay-man's term and that I call the COSMIC BIOLOGY or HUMAN ROBOT and , onward , shal try to explain our existence and State of living on that term ( CONTD)


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