Saturday, February 19, 2011


Now , so easy to explain Divinity (divinity has no material shape nor can be proved within our field of Relativty ).
Sit bfore your computer or lap -top . Now cick open the screen to light it up . Change or move from one internet to another; From CNN to BBC or even Moscow or Bejling . do you move through space or do change or replace the SCREEN. None in any way.But only click the on key-board and shift and move out or about through wave lengths of EMF and not Space or Time.
The screen neither change nor is disturbed by overlapping of 'fields.
Apply the idea and truth and trasfer it on Real life 'DRAMA'. And what it proves ? Neither I die and go to Heaven of physical field nor suffer in Hell, the 'Down-town ' of Existence.We are on the same immutable space (Aksha) and my soul experiences joy or Hell-like pangs created out of my own Nature and result of past deeds.
Some one asked Vivrkananda , while in U.S.A . --- where we go after Death '? Swamiji smiled and asked back - 'In dreams if you are riding a horse , where you go outside your bed ' ?.... 'No where' -he said. Vivekananda told back -'true we go nowhere after death but creat our world on the same where(with renewed wave-length')


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