Friday, October 07, 2011


Now trying to stand in Support of my hypothesis; that we are all really 'REMOTE CONTROLLED' ,at Cosmic level, by 9 Endocrene glands from top of our head to down below to the level of our sexual identity and also thru' spinal centers inthe following way:
I . We have Pityitary Gland -the Master of the Endocrene (ORCHESTRA)gands and II. the PINEAL GLAND the remnant link to our cosmic connection(?). III & IV we have Thyroid &Para-Thyroid Glands for our vital & Metabolic functions.
Then(V) we have VAGUS Cranial Nerve for our Autonomic( Parasympathetic) functions.
Now (VI) Connected to liver we have the Pancreas, another center for metaboism to handle , with Insulin, to deal with Glucose and it's storage in liver as Glycogen.
VII & VIII. .Then let us come down a little more and stop just at the Head of kidney where there is the very important Gland (supra-Renal) dealing with two very vital functiond a) Corticosteroid for to fight out in crisis and critical conditions or Emergencies, And b)also the Adrenal gland producing Adrenaline for our Sympathic response in battling life.
IX . Last is our real CAPITAL for KUNDALINI RESEVOIR or OUR SEX -ROOT _POWER HOUSE i.e TESTICLES in Men and Oestrogen-progesterone complex in women ; for our real Joy of Living and contitnuation of species through reproduction and genetic Out-flowor flowering.

What more we need to understand that we are just Conditional Slaves to the out flow of the NINE HORMONAL CENTERS and respond reflexly to the the strings/strokes of these hormonal vibrations.
I told you already, before, that CONSCIOUS HOMOSAPIENS live in a 5 storey house and reacts according to the floor he or she occupies at certain particuar phase of living.
No use blaming the person for his action. Yet. I shall concude with one mdical Joke;
The highly intelligent and scholarly convict urgued with the judge :
'My Lord, it was not my fault ; my hormone forced me to do it'
And the Judge smiled and joined: Well Sir, it is aso not my fault; My hormone is forcing me to give you 5 years' jail term ".
I hope we will understand , how we are bound as Cosmic Biological Robots ! (Concluded)


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