Saturday, January 21, 2012

4  .JAZUR VEDA  : Kathoponishat

Does a person live after his 'death' or does he not  ?
The joy of 'atman ' ever abides  but not what seems pleasant to the senses.
Those who miss the goal of life , -prefer  the senses.

"Ignorant of their ignorance yet  'wise' in their own esteem, these deluded men, proud of their vain learning, go  round and round like blind men  led by a blind"
" Those who see themselves in all and  all in themselves, help others  through 'Spiritual osmosis ' ".
"The real 'Awakening'  does not come through logic or scholarship".
" Know that you are neither the body nor the mind but the eternal self"
"OM" is the symbol of God-head ( ?Supra-Cosmic -vibration : beyond  ,even, Planck's Unit)"
 Self was never born  nor will it, ever. die.
If the slayer believes that he can kill or the slain  believes that he can be slain, -then both are ignorant.
The self within , can exercise its influence far-far away ,though still,it can move everything  everywhere.
" The  self can not be known  either through scripture, or through intellect, or through hearing learned  discourses but can be attained by those whom the SELF Chooses."
" IT can never be known by one, who deserts not from UN-righteous path or can not still his mind or can not meditate upon."
" HIS  glory  sweeps away the rituals of the priests,powers of the  warrior and puts death itself to Death !"
 That  can not be seen .( you can not see your own face without reflection.)
Transcend from fear- full fragmentation to fearless 'Fullness'.
In change-less WHOLE is the way .
" Senses are horses, selfish desire the road,discrimination and pointed mind is the real guide[?origin of Ge eta](Contd) [Page 1  of  2]


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