Wednesday, September 27, 2006

what you see all around is matter in the perceptual form ,call them visual
solid ,liquid or gaseous states of matter'
What you don`t see or see as empty space is also not empty but filled up with atoms , -bilion -billions of them per squuare centneter of space
What is real emptiness in outer spoace is vacuum ( dark matter anddark energy complex) breeding this tiny unverse or other unverses, like `breeding rats`.
In phylosophical sense it is nowhere empty in the unverse yet everything is product of positive Nothingness( matter -antimatter
By the theory of E= Mc-square., all matters are frozen energy loosing the sppeed of light and all dark matter and dark energy are convertible potential eanergy keeping up the balance between gravitational pull and anti-gravity -push ,resulting to the Cosmological constant of Einstein , the great whose admitted mistake also proved to be a saving revelation to Science..



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