Monday, October 16, 2006

SPIRITUALITY : Sayings of Shree Rama krishna (Kathamrita )
Spiritual quality advertises not. Vital power alaays want to show while inertial (negetive) quality is always negetive.
If the President of a Nation can nave sis secretaries or Ambasadors with delegated power,why God can noe select HIs Avatars or prophets !
The one who talks or thinks about the Divine, is merely uses the divine consciousness and the subject-object phenomena joins to become the one divine Consciousness.
If the Absolute has made this 3-d virtual universe by his consciousness design why can not he personify his pwn divine power of consciousness to take any form in division by cosic power of illusion !
Even you yourself can not see God without being a dualist because the seer and the object of seeing have to yake opposite roles
whle in supreme monism everything is Divine and the the seerr, the object seen and the seeing merge into one entity
(Trinity in One )


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