Friday, October 13, 2006


Once you have possessive love or attachments to any material entity, you will always be bound to it even beyond your death and carry it like inherited quality or defect.
Once you establish the spiritual basis of life , the quality of your next birth will be decided accordingly from there
Whether you desire or not , you can not live even a moment without some sort of work, be it material, physical or mental. yet works done with conscious detachments have no negative effect on life.
As water current makes the whirl, as hidden moisture in atmosphere makes the cloud, - the cosmic mind descend down to make our mind.
Cosmic mind that pervades the five sheaths of our body makes our existence alive , while pure consciousness is the expression of our soul.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

All thoughts re like couds foating on sky. they are both externa or from inside in origin.Sitlike an witness and let them foat off or get attache & invoved.That is the way to handle 50,ooo thoughts a day.
Mond is your link while thoughts are Natures Play from E.M F.
Decide about your addiction or indifference.


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