Thursday, October 12, 2006

Vedanta holds the view that this universe or Cosmos is a mere projection of Cosmic intelligent-Consciousness of the Divine on the 3-D screen of the Cosmic Mind , the Hiranyagarva or Cosmic Egg.. Time and light are aftermath dimensions. The acceptable analogy is like the 2-D show on the T.V screen or a 2-D shadow of a tree on our 4-D Time-Space field.
All prayers to the Divine for personal gain or benefit are like business deal with the Divine. Selfish prayers ,as not of unitary faith, are not likely to be considered by the Divine. Individual desires should be tackled by the individual endeavour.
The Physical body and life however well-kept or fed has to be discarded in the end by law of Entropy.. Only our Consciousness and the quality of our thought and action will be attached to our re-incarnating soul.
There is deep psychic happiness and peace when our material desire is overcome by our higher mind and pure soul.
After death, our causal body discard our physical body like snakes leaves their old skin . this transition is Death, as we call it. But our life or soul continues the journey with `promotion or demotion` , according to our performance in the current life.


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