Sunday, March 25, 2007

Un masked face of the Universe- : 11
For us ,the worldly people, we need some minimum measure of wealth and sequrity . Even a space-shutle needs a hard base to take off. You can`t be a full-time devotee with a family to feed. and responsibilty neglected. But if rich, take the attitude of a `trustee` not a possesor.
Neither your relatives nor your friends will be your companion for your journey to `death,.
Consciouness/ awareness guiding our mind and life is not a material field for objective study but immutable divine energy beyond `matter-energy` field.; It is not observable under microscope or Telescope nor measurable by calculations or Info-tech, beig immutable.
We can never escape our suffering or grief by committing `suicide`. .We have to pay for it even more , in our next life.Those who donot believe in re-incarnation should remember the words of Jesus; -, `this is John who was Elias in his other life`( Bible).
Those who waste or abuse their spiritual power for name and fame , loose it soon or are degraded.. Even magicians know the falsity of their `magic` power can not use the dollars they producebymagic.


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