Monday, June 08, 2009

GLOBAL DILEMA : Rather, - let me tell it like a story as follows:- There[once upon a time ; O.K ?] was an island on this earth with only one family and the parent had a number of children. Each addressed their father differently . Like, one called him 'dad', the other - pappa, the tiird one -as baba, another one as 'father' and the fourth one knew his father as 'pitaji' (or peter ); such way and so forth. One son was even a rebel, denied his contibution, left his father and changed his named to 'athiest''
Though the father loved them all and equally, tthe children refused to recognise their father in any name, other than each one's given name.The quarrel went on and on , the family splitting up into seperation and in times to come, resulting into in-fighting, blood-shed and what not.
The dilema was that could that single family and the only island have different fathers ? how to answer. [Moral can this world have seperate Zonal 'Gods' or only a single one ? Should we wait for another 'Darwin or String theorist'. (modified from SriRamakrishna's naration).


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