Monday, May 09, 2011


{ Creation Vs manifestation )

Speculation - hypothesis - thesis -- theory so on and so forth..........

It was neither the Big-Bang nor the Multi-verse nor String nor Planck's ultimate unit that came first.
It all happened in the quantum level of Cosmic Intelligence ( not Plancks unit) emanating from the First Cause or Divine or any other name or Logo that human intelligenc can device.('whatever the name, the rose will smell as sweet'-Shakespeare.
Matter formed out of Energy ( E= M.C/Square). not in reverse order (though reversible since ), in the beginning( Big- Bangs an after-effect ).i. e first Visitor was Energy out of Intelligence & matter out of Energy.. It was like Einstein's Genius and the follow- up of events and observations.
The UNIVERSE(S) are like a Tree -upside down--with roots ( Quantum -universe or 'seed') beyond measurable existence ( like Dark energy, Hyperspace etc)and the observable Universes then branching out of the Tree through ever re-peating Big-Bangs( the name 'Bang'can not prove that there was any 'auditory' Bang ).

Vedanta explains it Better : "the roots beyond (quantum), the trunk and branches down like the branching out of a huge ('aswatthwa') Tree' - [ The Ge eta , Ch 15/1 ];

Personal Speculation : It was the Cosmic Intelligence of the First -Cause(Divine )that effected the Cosmic budding or breeding on the screen of Cosmic mind.
As the present Parallel worlds ' and Multi-Verse theory suggest - ; there are endless and myriad Xerox copies of Universes on the Cosmic Field . Maybe, nothing is really REAL or Absolute Truth but only play in field of Relativity of Human Consciousness and expanding Intelligence.
Shankaracharya of Bharat (India ) , first expounded the THEORY of MAYA BAD ( Dream Of COSMIC -INTELLIGENCE ) to which level, now , the Modern Cosmology with, String , M-Theory and Parallel Universe. have reached unto like 'REVELATION'' in Human Consciousness.
An Indian Saint once suggested ( recorded) that if a person had a dream for his whole life, since child -hood and until his death, he would have never known - what was the 'Dream ' and what was 'Reality'.

Finally , - this world is really (relatively) a stage and we are all Cosmic toys(robots) with induced Consciousness from Cosmic Intelligence.
**{ It is just a speculation ,without assertion )


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