Wednesday, June 01, 2011



I . Truth-Absolute is beyond all relativity or obsevable phenomena or Matter-
related Physiccs of observable Universe.
2. Immutable reality is even beyond Quantum physics or quantum mechanics of
schrodinger's Cat and Heissenberg's Uncertainty principle .
3 . Our Unvers(es) or COSMOS belongs to , maybe, 'Dark Energy' i.e 73 % Immutable
Universe with only 4 % measurable matter(+23 % dark matter ). This ,even ,is as
ascertained by the law of Modern Physics & Cosmology.
4.The sphere of immutable universe is beyond our capacity of physical measurements
by any instruments , as they are not material but properties of immutable Universe
( ref- Ch ;'A new Age dawns'- Bill Bryson nor it is reach-able physically by
even 'Time- Machine'of H.G.wells.
5 .For better perception, it is better to travel spiritually(Contemplation) or
or through 'Darshan of Vedanta (not philosophy), as expressed best in Geeta -
Ch; 8 - sl; 3,&18 ). where it is viewed that a) immutable universe (quantum &
beyond ) is the real manifestator of expressed Cosmos and Manifestested
universe comes from the 'Unmanifested sphere of the First cause or Divine
(whichever logo is preferred ).
6 .Even Modern Cosmology admits that sense and measure of Cosmic TIME for Cyclic
Universe was better understood by Vedantic World (Hindu) than the occidental
chrsitian ideas (for ref ; ENDLESS UNIVERSE - Paul J Steinhardt &Neil Turok : Ch;
The Last Question)
7. Modern Science is conducting the search from physical or material end , while
the 'seed' or root is embeded in the Immutable sphere and is ,ever, growing or
sphereanding downwards or outwards ( in relative sense ). Here again, I request
the interested persuers to refer to Vedantic view ( Geeta Ch; 15 - sl 1 ),
where, it is sermon-ed that "the root of the manifested Cosmos is like a huge
tree , up-side down, with root above in 'akshara' (immutable source ) and the
manifested trunk and branches coming down (galaxies, stars etc ).


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