Friday, October 08, 2010



There is nothing mystical about it . Like the Modern science or Cosmology or PHYSICS , Raja Yoga is pure Experimental Science . Here the object (matter) of Experiment is MIND, The instrument of experiment(subject) is MIND and WAY of Experiment (Anaysis) is also the 'LAYERS' of MIND. In short The Meaning of RajaYoga is MEDITATION or is like any scientific Experiment of physics , Chemistry , Biology etc . Only , here, you have no external matter or sophisticated Laboratory but here you Return to yourself and TURN your mind on ITSELF like Mirror-light reflecting back on itslf and creating a state of SELF-ILLUMINATION.
So it is a wrong notion to think that RAJA YOGA has any thing to do with KIngly way or Royal Path as the Corrupt modern vocubulary tries like Media Hype of Modern iving. Really there was , perhaps no Real king or Kingdom when in Vedic Period the Sages of Bharat( now - India) estabished this Supreme way of tracing their Root to the DIVINE or FIRST CAUSE ( Like SEarch of Modern Cosmology)
I do not claim to be a scholar of this Supreme (raja) path of Spiritual Journey or Ascent. but my assett is the simple faith that by diving within myself I can find out the truth about all I see , hear , smell or find outside because by the claim of modern SCIENCE all perceptions are nothing but the outward play of Electtro-Magnetic Field on the objective Unuverse itself or SCREEN. So WHat is outside is really a perceptual play or outward reflection of what is within . A rough anaogy is like: with your Personal computer as mind and getting connected to INTERNET (the ROOT or the SOURCE) you can acquire all informations outside or Solve all Mystery of the UN-Known..
Thus without knowing thyself you can never know the COSMIC SELF or the First Cause.
Modern Science is chasing MATTER to its final form and ending only in Energy of EINSTEIN' S Formua ( E = MxC.scquare)and then chasing energy to its mathematical "STRING' and knitting unending patterns of return and rebound to the field of DIRAC's 'Nothingness' or (again) Einsteis magic 'BLUNDER' of Cosmological CONSTANT, thus undergoing metamorphosis of DARK ENERGY , then repeating Big Bangs , Endless Universes , Recycling Cosmos and now returning to the vedic Sages' Realisation of CYCLIC UNIVERSES of ENDLESS CYCLIC 'GRAND DESIGN' with the GOD or FIRST CAUSE or DIVINE ever BEYOND and not monitoring anything in ths MYSTIC GAME known our 'COSMOS'.
This brings us to the State of 'GRAND DESIGN ' of HAWKING who finds that Grand Design does nott need the constant monitoring or even GOD's 'presence' in the Disign which runs and rolls automatic. And I also believe so. Like the Inventor of CHESS GAME does not need to be present in every game that is played since . The Inventor is involved in the ruels of the game itself . And yet, to find or identify the inventor one has to move outside the field of the Game or 'DESIGN'.
There comes again the issue of the Field of RELATIVITY or COSMOS and the REALITY itself or the ADRESS of the DIVINE which Modern SCIENCE will never Know unless through RAJA YOGA OR TURNING the MIND on ITSElF. Being within the HOUSE or Relativity, you can never know the whole HOUSE i.e REALITY. SO ! TRANSCEND and KNOW.


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