Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Life is like a rising like a sprouting seed from the earth , branching out and resulting in flowering with fragrance (intelligence ) and ending in fruits and giving back seeds (Recycling).
There are inviting and welcoming shades with neighbouring leaves where 'Birds' (Consciousness) fly down from the Blue Sky and build their nests. If the tree breaks down through aging , it dies or drop dead .
And the bird leave its nest find another shelter to build its nest.
So the bird (consciousness ) not the product of the Tree but a immigrant guest from different source.
This much is the speculative idea of spiritual Science. And the realised Sages has their direct experiences too to prove that the Earth , the tree and the birds are from ONE single Source.
Physics, Physical Science and Cosmology has approached the search out the truth about Life and Consciousness from Material end and considers the IMMUTABLE CONSCIOUSNESS a product of material Universe and here, SPIRITUAL Science has a different view.
It is like Material science Concluding that the tree ,nest and the bird'(Consciousness) is also product of the Tree and its branches. And they have now found that neither Dark matter, nor Dark Energy nor Hyperspace are the product of material energy .
The search is on and the Twin may meet some day at the Zenith finding that Matter -life -intelligence and CONSCIOUSNESS are not from identical 'Particle'. 'string' or source , even by M-Theory it-self.
Definitely , I do not claim any originality in this presentation and approach.
During my mid-life i devoted a lot of time in trying to understand 'Vedanta' through studying of life of SriRamakrishna, Swamii Vivekananda (and his complete works),Sri Aurobindo , the Ge eta and the Upanishads.
While in U.S.A from 1993 to 2008, My son Rana Basu helped with the Books on Cosmology and works of Einstein and others, even upto the level "Endless Unverses" , through Library Books.I was surfing Internet myself.
The result is this outcome : my attempt for a synthesis of Vedantic revelations and experiences (Darshan -3 thousand to 5 thousands years old) and the up -to- date knowledge of Cosmology ,touching down to M- theory.
What was known to vdanta as Akshara or Immutable power of the Divine is now revealed to me as immutable Energy e,g Dark- matter, Dark -energy, hyper-space , Higg's field etc of the Grand DESIGNER or First Cause or Vedantik 'DIVINE'.
Also I believe that the term GOD is a logo only - and mean as many representations as can be comprehended.
Also, I Believe now, God can not create any thing because to create you have to borrow material from outside, while there is no 'OUTSIDE' beyond GOD or the First cause or the Divine.
So the Truth beyond all 'Relativity' is that GOD or the DESIGNER ( 'Grand Design') or the DIVINE is INVOLVED in everything and everywhere of the COSMOS .
It is like the Spider making its net from the secretion of its own (Vedanta).
The same way CONSCIOUSNESS , the immutable property from the divine is imparted in ' material Life -Mind-Intelligence complex' of the Conscious life principle,

Wednesday, June 01, 2011



I . Truth-Absolute is beyond all relativity or obsevable phenomena or Matter-
related Physiccs of observable Universe.
2. Immutable reality is even beyond Quantum physics or quantum mechanics of
schrodinger's Cat and Heissenberg's Uncertainty principle .
3 . Our Unvers(es) or COSMOS belongs to , maybe, 'Dark Energy' i.e 73 % Immutable
Universe with only 4 % measurable matter(+23 % dark matter ). This ,even ,is as
ascertained by the law of Modern Physics & Cosmology.
4.The sphere of immutable universe is beyond our capacity of physical measurements
by any instruments , as they are not material but properties of immutable Universe
( ref- Ch ;'A new Age dawns'- Bill Bryson nor it is reach-able physically by
even 'Time- Machine'of H.G.wells.
5 .For better perception, it is better to travel spiritually(Contemplation) or
or through 'Darshan of Vedanta (not philosophy), as expressed best in Geeta -
Ch; 8 - sl; 3,&18 ). where it is viewed that a) immutable universe (quantum &
beyond ) is the real manifestator of expressed Cosmos and Manifestested
universe comes from the 'Unmanifested sphere of the First cause or Divine
(whichever logo is preferred ).
6 .Even Modern Cosmology admits that sense and measure of Cosmic TIME for Cyclic
Universe was better understood by Vedantic World (Hindu) than the occidental
chrsitian ideas (for ref ; ENDLESS UNIVERSE - Paul J Steinhardt &Neil Turok : Ch;
The Last Question)
7. Modern Science is conducting the search from physical or material end , while
the 'seed' or root is embeded in the Immutable sphere and is ,ever, growing or
sphereanding downwards or outwards ( in relative sense ). Here again, I request
the interested persuers to refer to Vedantic view ( Geeta Ch; 15 - sl 1 ),
where, it is sermon-ed that "the root of the manifested Cosmos is like a huge
tree , up-side down, with root above in 'akshara' (immutable source ) and the
manifested trunk and branches coming down (galaxies, stars etc ).