Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cosmic Science and Supra-cosmic God

Early universe revealed at 4 trillion degrees
A lot of attention has been paid in the popular science world to the quest for finding a particle called the Higgs boson, which would explain gravity, among other things. But the scientists at the conference said they'd be happier if it's not found.

"There's a host of other things that could be out there," said Thomas LeCompte, physicist at Argonne National Laboratory. The Higgs is the "simplest and elegant" solution to many problems with scientist's current notions of how the world works, but there's no telling what the Large Hadron Collider will find.
Comment ; That's why god said in the GEETA : ' thou shall never be able to see me with your limited perceptual vision' - Geeta ( Ch.11 /8 )
And when shall Man, the Scientist, be able to stand 4 Trilion degree to reach half-way to Divines's Head-Quarter, to visit or know GOD? ? ?
that is why Vedanta has finally declared God - "Ajnyea" or 'Un-knowable.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"more things in Heaven and Earth" - Shakespeare

Cosmic census estimates 50 billion planets in our galaxy
Indo-Asian News Service, Updated: February 21, 2011 14:25 IST
----------------------------------------------------------------------------For many years scientists figured there were 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, but last year a Yale scientist figured the number was closer to 300 billion stars. And that's just our galaxy. Scientists figure there are 100 billion galaxies.
Comment: 1886 : Radio Telescoping declared first , -that 10% of Stars of Milk Way Galaxy - likely to have pllanets and 10% of that figure might be habitable like our Earth...Before that, it was the belief of Scientific World that the idea of habitabe world other than ours , was a mere Myth. or that, life was possible anywhere in the Universe other than ours ( we were alone !).
In 1883 ,an Indian 'realised' Soul, Sri Ramakrishna ( Master of swami Vivekananda )told his disciples that Life was teeming throughout the Universe like Monsoon Crabs swimming through the Ganges [Recoded statement in 'Kathamrita']. ...And Scientists negated this with supressed smiles..... To day we know through Cosmologists rhat we are not alone.
whinin a few years more , we may learn there are invisibe MAN ( sillicon or Paricle Man elsewhere who are living like us and thinking even better and faster. Who knows !

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Now , so easy to explain Divinity (divinity has no material shape nor can be proved within our field of Relativty ).
Sit bfore your computer or lap -top . Now cick open the screen to light it up . Change or move from one internet to another; From CNN to BBC or even Moscow or Bejling . do you move through space or do change or replace the SCREEN. None in any way.But only click the on key-board and shift and move out or about through wave lengths of EMF and not Space or Time.
The screen neither change nor is disturbed by overlapping of 'fields.
Apply the idea and truth and trasfer it on Real life 'DRAMA'. And what it proves ? Neither I die and go to Heaven of physical field nor suffer in Hell, the 'Down-town ' of Existence.We are on the same immutable space (Aksha) and my soul experiences joy or Hell-like pangs created out of my own Nature and result of past deeds.
Some one asked Vivrkananda , while in U.S.A . --- where we go after Death '? Swamiji smiled and asked back - 'In dreams if you are riding a horse , where you go outside your bed ' ?.... 'No where' -he said. Vivekananda told back -'true we go nowhere after death but creat our world on the same where(with renewed wave-length')



What to opine , -otherwise !...The Homosapien biologic conscious 'Robots' that appeared on a tiny planet(Earth) just a few 'seconds ' back on the scale of Cosmic Time-scale and will last , this time , for another few seconds, are boasting loud to have the power to anihilte the living World with their Nuclear bombs , the device and ionic ingradients that they borrowed from Solar FIRE ( Nuclear Energy). That's why I call them fools. How can they venture to destroy the process that they never created but were placed within !
They can only invite their' Elimination ' on Evolutionary process like DINOSAURS and be replaced by higher and better consious species , as expressed by SriAurobindo long back.
Another 'Blind men's Specifying Elephant' is the 'capsulated conclusion' of Scientist that only Carbon-man is a possibilty and in teeming trillions of Stars ,Galaxies,and Universes, Water is a must for life !. Thats may be true ony for Carbo-man. Why can't there be Silicon-man or Nitrogen or even 'Particle- man ? Who can prove that billions of Star- systems are 'Dead' because there is no water?
If Virus can exist with only DNA and without body-ectoplasm , why can't there be Intelligent Life without H--2-O ? Who says that the First Cause (or Divine) needs EARTH's Physics .
Within absolute REALITY what is the value of present 'Relativity '? ?
If RECYCLING is possible at Material level , why Re-incarnation is not possible in COSMIC-INTELLIGENCE Sphere ?
Human-brain is too Egoistic with limited flicker of fractional Intelligence. In Vivekananda's way ; - the frog of the Cess-pool will never know or believe in the existence of OCEAN .

Friday, February 18, 2011


The more it is revealed ,now, more we know
that, how less imortant we are
on the Canvas of infinite COSMIC GAME !
The paradox of expanding Conscousness
'Eating Us Up'

Homosapiens - the last bioogic bye-product toys
-and greatest Egoist, -the MAN-
are but mere 'dots'
on the CANVAS of infinite Soace-Time -Spread
Since the begining of TIME ,-billions of years behind
we came on some tiny earth, - only yester -night
grew up at dawn and now on break-fast plate
are told by Revelation -light
that we are but bye-produt of Conscious-Device.
And more we learn , -the better we know that
less-qualified and least essential our Existence now.

Hmod-sapiens -the mid-term half-finishedprodut
of 'Robotic biologic Conscious life.
(composed on 18 feb., 2011 )

Thursday, February 17, 2011


[As told by Ramakrishna ; in 'Kathamrita]
'Once I( Ramakrishna) was going to the jungle area beside the pond for my 'mornng -habits'. There I heard a croaking cry some little beyond and found a water snake trying to swallow a big frog .
The snake tried its best to gulp the frog in but thr grog was too big .... So the frog with a part within the snake's mouth, was trying hard to get out and was protesting loud while the water-Snake was also trying its best to do it's job'---

Rama keishna was using analogy and metaphor to explain the difficulty and crisis , where the worthy advanced disciple was in the grip of ' bad teacher' who was like the water-snake with out enough potency and thus could neither swallow such a large frog nor could release the frog. And the result was that both the frog (disciple) and the water-snake (bad teacher) were in wrechted conditions.


Two boys ,-were facing schoo-final exam. One (B) was weak in studies and depended much on mercy of God while the othe one (A) was too confident and was like an atheist. ...The exam. approached fast and the weak one (B) took out a few coins from his savings , bought some sweets and flower , went to the temple , prayed to his Lord for kindness....and felt better since.
The othe (A) was preparing with self confidence ,was brighter in studies and even was a little bold . But suddenly it was annouced in news papers & TV that question- setting ,this year, will be made very tough to hold back unworthy students....
Both were shaken. B prayed more and A worked harder.
Due to hard preparation A got strained nerves and dreamt a bad dream where he saw his answer papers being swept away by storms and flood. Next morning A also went to the temple and offered gift and paryed to avoid unforseen effect. .......
Soon the exam was over and result declared. A pased with good marks and B failed inspite of his total faith in God.
Final result: B who failed lost faith in God and A became a believer (after his bad dream was neutralised by divine -Spirit, as he thought).
Now God was drawing the balance-sheet of loss of one devotee and gain of one beiever , totalling the zero result.
(condensed from my short story in 1970s)


A rich Lady was very moved ,obseving the hardship of a woman selling fishes. She invited her , one day, to her house gave a good dinner and allowed her to sleep in the guest-room , full of care and comfort and on a cosy feather- soft bed.
Even beyond the mid -night , the fisher -woman tried and tossed but could not sleep! she tried all the ways for her sleep but failed.
And then, beyond the mid-night ,she started making noise....The kind hearted lady came down and askd ; 'what happened with you; Why can not you sleep ?
The fisher woman requested the rich lady to give back her fish- busket .... And when that was given to her she sprinkled some water on it , put her head on its edge and ....soon she was snoring so happily in deep sleep !
The kind-hearted rich lady never could know -how !
(Compressed story tod by Ramakrishna ; after - Kathamrita)

Spiritual taels -ii

An educated family- man came to SriRamakrishna who advised him to meditate on God whenever he got sometime.
The successful gentleman told Ramakrishna that now was the time to work and be successfull in life and there woud be enough time to think and desire God in Old days.
Ramakrishna replied in retoret : Right ! that is better , as Knowing GOD must be an easier job for God-searching in Old Age than doing job for material success !
So ! keep it for oldage when one higher facultied are down.
The disciple coud not discover the inner meanning of this opinion of Ramakrishna.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Two friends went out in search of God. ..Came to a Church where father was telling about the coming again of Jesus. One friend was eager to wait but the other force him to move on telling -he has not yet come. Next anding was a Mosque where the devotee was telling loudy foe Allah to come (Ajan). Elder seeker cintinued his search on ward telling again - don' you find Allah is absent here too.
The third stop was a Hindu temple where there was loud devotiona song with al musical instruments (bhajan) meanning -'Lord , please come and rescue us'. the elder seeke , this time also concluded that even Krishna was quite late in his appearance here. And they moved on. On he edge of a forest they found an eldery man , simply clad and looking beyound smilingly with mystic look on his face. When they found that he was all absorbed and did not respond even on reapeating their querry, the first seeker voiced joyfully - " must be this one has found something great and invisible to us "..... and they sat down in silence and happily.

Sunday, February 06, 2011


The First Cause being subtler than 'Plancks Unit' and larger than all iniverses or COSMOS , it is futile to search and find a visible or measurable GOD with your 'Hubble -Telescope or speeding Space- ship '.
Only instrument ,may (or may not) be -your Own Conscious -Intelligence or Searhing within.
When you have not seen ,yet, a Quark (directy ),how can you find the Physica shape or location of LORD,the First Cause !?.



Acording to Vedic Religious Practices and VEDANTIC SPIRITUAL Experiences There are Nine Gates in Human body and SEVEN CENTERS( CHAKRAS ) within Brain & Sspinal Column of Human Body ( they telly so well with Occidental Medical science relating to Nerve Plexuses and Brain Centers along with 9 groups of Endocrine Glands).

Life in its objective reality and descent on manifestating sphere has seven chakras for physica manifestation. They are :
i. Muladhar ( Sacral plexus ) II. Swadhsthan ( Sexual Glands and organs) III. Manipura ( Caeliac Plexuses)under the support of Life -Force regulating Metabolism Repair etc. IV. ANAHATA or Heart -Cente being helped by Sympathetic Parasympathetic mechaism .V. Then, is the KANTHA Chakra at the level of Thyroid-vocal chord zone VI. Now , the AJNYA CHakra for THIRD EYE ( Light-Path of Cosmic - Consciousness ) and under the influence of PIINEAL Gland . VII. The Last and final Center (Spiritual) is above our head i.e Zone of Cosmic Unitary Path ( attainabe only by Spiritua Giants).

About the Hormonal Centers or Glandular tracks: , from top downwards ; I Pineal Gand II, Pituitary [within Brain ] III.Thyroid .IV. Para Thyroid . V . P arasympathetic (thru' Vagus Nerve) VI .Sy mpathetic (thru' Adrenals or Suprarenal ) VII. Pancreas ( metabolic System e.g Insuin ) VIII. Suprarenals (for Crisis management or damage-control (cortical and adrenaline function). And Finally IX, the Testicular and Oovarian hormonal glands for Reproductuve process.

Thus is given the hints of Nine Gates and Seven Centers, for human growth and Spiritual expansion and reaisation.

Saturday, February 05, 2011



That's right . We ,all, are players on the Cosmic stage -Play of Quantum Universe(s) with Electromagnetic -Field -play of 'Perceptual- Design,

It is really the ENDOCRENE GLANDS ,within us, that are our 'Swtch-board -Masters'with HORMONAL device or Orchestral Music' that display and presents the living -Life on the surface of Gross living World /Universe or Cosmos and as follows:

i. Genetic-PLay or Chromosomal DNA of Nuclic -acid factors ( Quantum level . MULADHAR oF Vedic Science, inspires our life-force and our urge for 'EXISRENCE ' or Survival.
II.The Testicular /Overian hormonal influence (SWADHISTHAN) inspires or stimulate the urge in us to adhere to life and the desire to ,physically , love and reproduce to keep on and sustain our continuity of living process(VITAL & Heriditary continuity [Physical Immortality ].
III. The Vital Cennter under the Infliuence of Life-Force ( MONIPURA at Umbelical level) is Power-House or Generator for the suppot ang Growth of our Bioogical sustenance( Metabolism -Growth-Repair).
IV. The 'HEART-CENTER (ANAHATA) is the real centre for our Cosmic-root or Source of our Family, Social, Unitary -sense of existence'
V.[KANTHA Chakra ]The power of communication or Expression (Vocal Chord & other Executive organs ) is the Out-Flow Channel for the Display of Our Conscous desire to know our Root , heritage and our connection with the Infinite or First-Cause.
Vi, In Between the eye brows is the [ AJNYA Chakra or . THIRD EYE or Centre of Cosmic Vision). This is PINEAL GLAND ( The Spiritual Switch) and aLso the PITUITARY Gland (The Master of Endocrene Orchestra).
VII, And beyond (above our 'Head') ic the 'SAHASRA' - the terminal NON-PHYSUCAL source of our LIFE, LIVING and SOUL ,- the final bridge ,connecting the UNIVERSE of LIFE with the non-physical, Immutable GOD /LORD/ ALLAH / ISHWARA OR FIRST CAUSE of MODERN COSMOLOGY

Friday, February 04, 2011

Response to a sufi friend's querry

There are both filth and flower in the exposed WORLD.
Be selective.

Testlcle , tummy, heart and brain are all different levels or Centers for reception & reaction. it depends , on which centre one has built his 'Home' or dream of life..
To me , - it is Kali-yug {'Entropy or Black-hole state or phase of Cosmic Disolution when, Process of degeneration and self -destruction is the Law.

Best are always a 'damn minority'. everywhen.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


After one crosses all bumps or jumps over all the hurdles or conquers all temptations of material life and iving, the strongest and worst illusive and subtle temptaion is the power of 'Name and fame !

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I. Mind externaised puts SOU in SLUMBER.
II. MIND Quantamised or overwhemed(transcended) in vites Cosmic Inteigence/Conscious ness to make Christs ,Ramakrishna, Vivekanandas and Einsteins.
III. Quantum reveations / Discoveries and Technology has fared up perceptual levels and means of sensual Fields of EMF potentiaity the dominant diversions for Mind ( also means of physical comfort ), Resulting to the 'Return' of RAVANA'S SWARNA (Golden) LANKA [Mythological] on Earth in the phase pf Disolution (Kay-Yug).
.There is no use Lamenting on Micro level (human intelligence/Conscousness) for- it is a COSMIC _GAME on the highest level.