Monday, May 16, 2011


Monday, May 16, 2011

Article Comments 'No heaven, no afterlife,' says Stephen Hawking
Press Trust of India, Updated: May 16, 2011 15:22 -.
"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark" he added.
Comment : Maybe ...! But life is not a mere brain nor like computer and even as an analogy , computer is only the hardware part of IT as physical body is the hardware part of Life.
Life is the vehicle of Intelligence -potential of Cosmic Consciousness and is,also, Brain plus something more........ .As such brain , even if like a computer, is not life itself.
"no heaven or afterlife for a broken down computer" -- Hawking
Opinion :
Maybe , not even for the body also , when broken down. But as E = M.C/squre and as E is indestructible and Constant , so also is Cosmic Consciousness & Energy ( including dark energy) and Cosmic -Inteligence.
In Judo-Chritia Religion (along with Islam ( an after -growth), heaven is accepted as a 'Physical space for transport in physical entity but not in oriental Darshan of Vdanta. I donot know if 'Coffin is meant for preservation and physical transport for further 'Reoair' in heaven. but in vedantic darshan (not 'phylosophy').Heaven es a non-physical vibration Field for our 'Soul' only and our physical body is discarded at earth level.
And Cosmic Consciouness is ,perhaps,something more and other than Material -Energy. The Quantum field of Consciouisness has not been determined yet(UN -like Panck's unit for point particle).
Heaven is not a physical space(like Hyperspace) but , perhaps a vibrating field.Thatway , 'Heaven is neither for computer-repair nor for body -shaping..
Maybe, soul/consciousness will evolve ( or be repaired) into a more perfect shape or St, Hawking will come back as a 'next Einstein'of coming Century , even without going to a physical heaven .
All possibilities are there along with Heisenberg's 'UN-certainty principle'.

"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of ....." --Shakespeare.

posted by Phani Basu @ 3:44 AM 0 comments

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011



I believe in DIVINITY but not in GOD if HE or SHE has a Belly-button or if that God is born out of a Mother ( Michio Kaku's view -Parallel Universe).

I do not believe in a God that is regional , Ethnic , Sectarian , Geographical in origin and whose power and gift is limited to only a section of Homo-sap iens or does include all living sphere anywhere or every where.

Just as Electron or proton has no ethnic base and visual identity other than in the sphere of manifestation , my Divinity has no Identity -Card or detectable Shape.

Yes, I believe in 'Grand Design ' of Stephen Hawking but I do not believe that Grand Design is possible without a 'DESIGNER'

I also belive what Stephen Hawiking ,recently said that GOD didnot create the Universe nor his ( every- day ) interference is necessary; I agree here also with extended view and support of VEDANTA -Darshan (no t' phiosophy' that Like a spider bringing out a spider-net out of itself, this COSMOS was projected in the Cosmic -Intelligece- Fied of the Divine........The question of 'Creation' does not arise as , for creation one has to gather material from outside . And The real GOD( my Divinity ) has no outside or inside beyond.
As such the Word CREATION' is a defective term in English vocabulary , if applied in the Field of Divinity. In short, Divinity did not Create Cosmos but ' Manifested ' ITSELF in IT and reflected all manifestations through Spread- out
mirror-effect CONSCIOUS- FIELD , through Conscious -intelligent Homo -Sapiens.

Once the Chess-game was Designed,, even the Inventor himself has to play by its Rule and the Inventor need be present or poke his nose in each Game or Competition . Here also . Stephen Hawking is right.Like Rain-drops coming down from the SKY , rising from the ocean, every thing in the COSMOS is the terminal products of DIVINE-CONSCIOUSNESS ,

Thus is detailed my faith in DIVINITY , Also, I think I am like a PC within Field of limitation and without a n Internet-Connection by Conscious capacity is Limited likes an Eclosed tiny Capsule.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FIRST CAUSE :: Cosmic Intelligenc of the Divine

Wish-full thinking ?' - Yes it is until Time will tell and ... I admit ..
When in late1890s and until 1905, Einstein , a patent office Clerk was wishing to ride a ray of light at 'Light-Speed ' , - was it not a wish full thinking / ...yes it was.
Even any wishing will need the integrated Consciousness. .... If Human potentiality had not expanding Consciousness , where would be Newtons, Einsteins and our J.C Bose and Sat yen Bose's ?

Even Stephen Hawking with a defunct body (physic) [ cf- Ashtabakra Muni (saint & guru of JAN AKA) had crippled body but high-Voltage Consciousness.(cosmic)

When we are sleeping or UN-conscious, our existence does not mean anything . and again , Stephen Hawking , if UN-Conscious would amount to Zero .
As E= M.C-square was preceded by Play of Conscious -Voyage of the soul of Einsteien,, my Faiyh tells me that Cosmic Intelligence (ref- C.J Yang ) preceded the Cosmos /or Physical Universe [ Energy precedes Matter, as matter is nothing but frozen Energ- at a rate lower than Light-speed] ].

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tuesday, May 10, 2011STEPHEN HAWKING : A Biological Wonder
Perhaps one day I'll go into outer space: Stephen Hawking
Claudia Dreifus, The New York Times, Updated: May 10, 2011 17:27 IST

God didn't create the Universe: Stephen Hawking : NDTV News Dt 10.May ,2011(IST)
OPINION : True !....GOD didn't create Universe but IT(GOD) became it , not physically but through Cosmic Intellgence.
It also depend on what the ogo - 'God' means what to whm ?
" nota male nor female nor a neyter " - Vedanta ...but the first Cause whatever it is or was , is impossible to comprehend by Homosapien-capacity and intelligence.

Monday, May 09, 2011


{ Creation Vs manifestation )

Speculation - hypothesis - thesis -- theory so on and so forth..........

It was neither the Big-Bang nor the Multi-verse nor String nor Planck's ultimate unit that came first.
It all happened in the quantum level of Cosmic Intelligence ( not Plancks unit) emanating from the First Cause or Divine or any other name or Logo that human intelligenc can device.('whatever the name, the rose will smell as sweet'-Shakespeare.
Matter formed out of Energy ( E= M.C/Square). not in reverse order (though reversible since ), in the beginning( Big- Bangs an after-effect ).i. e first Visitor was Energy out of Intelligence & matter out of Energy.. It was like Einstein's Genius and the follow- up of events and observations.
The UNIVERSE(S) are like a Tree -upside down--with roots ( Quantum -universe or 'seed') beyond measurable existence ( like Dark energy, Hyperspace etc)and the observable Universes then branching out of the Tree through ever re-peating Big-Bangs( the name 'Bang'can not prove that there was any 'auditory' Bang ).

Vedanta explains it Better : "the roots beyond (quantum), the trunk and branches down like the branching out of a huge ('aswatthwa') Tree' - [ The Ge eta , Ch 15/1 ];

Personal Speculation : It was the Cosmic Intelligence of the First -Cause(Divine )that effected the Cosmic budding or breeding on the screen of Cosmic mind.
As the present Parallel worlds ' and Multi-Verse theory suggest - ; there are endless and myriad Xerox copies of Universes on the Cosmic Field . Maybe, nothing is really REAL or Absolute Truth but only play in field of Relativity of Human Consciousness and expanding Intelligence.
Shankaracharya of Bharat (India ) , first expounded the THEORY of MAYA BAD ( Dream Of COSMIC -INTELLIGENCE ) to which level, now , the Modern Cosmology with, String , M-Theory and Parallel Universe. have reached unto like 'REVELATION'' in Human Consciousness.
An Indian Saint once suggested ( recorded) that if a person had a dream for his whole life, since child -hood and until his death, he would have never known - what was the 'Dream ' and what was 'Reality'.

Finally , - this world is really (relatively) a stage and we are all Cosmic toys(robots) with induced Consciousness from Cosmic Intelligence.
**{ It is just a speculation ,without assertion )

Thursday, May 05, 2011



Limited by 20/20 vision in the Universe of Relativity of Einstein, Man is trapped like an explorer with shifting squint. Every decade or generation , philosophers, scientists or cosmologist of this Electronic Age come out with new discoveries or message from heaven only to be challenged or dis-proved by some one next.
Yet , Even then, - Hubble's telesscope can find only the observable Universe. Or the WMAP or COBR shall inform what can be seen and then deduce some possibilities through back calculations.[Einstei's wife remarked that her husband could do it 'on the back of an old envelop']

Sometmes I feel , that perhaps ,the eagle is more fortunate than me with its sharp and clear vision many times more than mine . or ,even my Dog- Chhotu- was luckier than me because it had many times more sniffing power than mine.
Even if I could have an Electron- microscope and Hubbles 100 -inch mirror- telelescope inside my eye ball inplace of my bi-focal -lense( that now needs a bi-focal spect, I lament or curse my fate without getting to Planck's unit-vision or the direct vision of Inflationary Universe with her rat -like breeding habits.

I think , it is better and wiser for me to learn the Art of 'Giving up' and then dive within to speculate , speculate and ....speculate , - remembering the words of Lev landau..


"There the Sun does not shine , nor the moon or the stars
not even the electric-play , leave apart the earthly fire
By the glow of that all others are lighted up
everything everywhere is only that effulgence alone"
- Transpirated from Kathopanishat .
AKSHARA may even include the dark matter and Dark Energy of Modern Cosmology.
There the Eyes can not see , nor can reach our speech nor the mind
neither does our knowledge nor any sientific search
with which can anyone analyse 'That'.

- From Kenopanishat of Vedanta (Ttranspirated from from original Snskrit by Phani Basu )
* does it not also suggest that no WMAP nor COBE shall ever reach or reveal that ultimate source ; nor shall make it (? dark Energy) observable or measurable !.
Here comes the indication or signal of higher dimensional-play (?) !

"There is speculation , then there is more speculation and there is cosmology " - Lev Landau.


In the Cyclic Universe model described thus far, the Cycles continue regularly for- ever into the past and future'. -Page 165 , Endless universe
" Ancient Hindu Cosmology presents aremaskably detailed and quantitative vision of Cyclic evolution..............................................
One kind of cycle correspond to a day and night in Brahma's life........
converted to a Earth's year, some of these have cycling periods that are surprisingy similar to time-scales of interesting contemporary cosmology. A day and a night in the life of Brahma are a 'Kalpa', a period of 8.64 billion years, roughly the duration of matter -dominated epoch in moderncosmology................................................................
The Vishnu Purana says that each of these cycle is followed by a drought untill all waters dry up. In modern cosmology, matter domination is followed by a dark-energy domination, during which no new galaxies form. ...........................................................................
There havebeen numerous Brahmas before and there will be numerous ones to follow."

-End less Universe, ; Beyond the Big Bang : ; Paul J. Steihard and Neil Turok , 2007 First Edition, ISBN : 987 -0-385 -50964 , P --169 -170 .
* It should be well understood that the word 'Brahma' is no name of a physically divine person but qualifies the post of an executive function for each Universe (Kapa), just like EMF is no identity of any physical Structure but the representative logo for Electro-magnetic field.
Personal View ; Both Buddhism and HInduism are but off-spring from the root Vedanta ( Buddha was born with Vedantis Faith and Hiduism was a post Budhistic -
development or culmination (afterr Vaishnavism ) as aftermath of Shakaracharya's Mayabad and Brahminism . The name HINDU is nat a snskrit derivative but a connotation under Persian Invaders imposed identity ( Just like 'INDIA 'is a Greek slang imposed on Bharat from the word "SINDHU SAVYATA or Indus valley Civilisation).
As such ,I think. the real source of the Ancient wisdom of Cosmology ,as given above came from Vedic and Vedantic knowledge of Bharata(India) and which preceded even the Greek period of science and Cosmology ,in my opinion.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


"Like the way , worn out garments are discarded and new ones are taken up
the living bodies becoming dead ,the ndividual soul takes renewed form " - Geeta Ch .II /22

"Tousand 'Yugas' make one Cosmic day and another thousand Yugas makes the Cosmic night of Brahma
Those who understand this much , have the knowleledge of Cosmic Time ' Geeta Ch. 8 /17 * [ Each Yuga incudes all stages of Evolutionary life from microbe to last man on planetary-stage and until disolution. Or, maybe,the whole life of our Earth )
*( Moden Cosmologist ,almost, agree with this Measurement of 'TIME'
It seems ,Comology has now reached a turning point where it is on the line of accepting Vedantic principle of eternal and end less Univereses with neverending repeatation of Universes on the stage of COSMOS with Cyclic Pattern and also endless stage-play of life and living.

[ For reference :End less Universe // Beyond the Big Bang : by Paul J. Steinherd And Neil Turok. ISBN 978-0-385 - 50964-0 / 2006 , First Edition. P - 61