Thursday, August 31, 2006

THEORY OF REALITY :( Post-Einstein Synthesis on the basis of Vedantic revelation)
All attachments are relative or unreal. The Universe is only a stage of sensory games like the spectrum play on T.V screen. All responses and receptions are only Electromagnetic play on biological Field at chemical level.
The First cause of every thing or any thing conceivable and even prior to Big-gang is the Author of Consciousness (or whatever name you give IT will `smell as sweet`). ALL and everything else is within the Absolute even this cosmos or any other. Our mind, thoughts and perceptions are only reflective play of the first Cause. Every thing else are dancing points of luminous consciousness. Love is a beneficial and positive emanation of Cosmic Consciousness. Freedom from desire is the ultimate guide to liberation(not escapism).Conscious life is nothing but cosmic mind trapped in body and mind. Entire life is like an unbroken dream that finally awakes up in Death. `Myself` and `I` are only Ego`s self assertion. We are biological robots with sensors ,reacting organs and hormones behind,- to activate us. From stars to stone to tree to microbes to animals(including man),are a single long and indivisible journey on the cosmic field and selective biologic environment.

LIFE SCIENCE : = Origin of life =

The simple amoeba ,just one cell big and without any ambition but to exist
contain 400 million bits of genetic information in its DNA -enough,( as Carl
Sagan note ) to fill eighty books of 500 pages. .......
It is worth remembering that the world, as we are about to see, still belongs
to the very small.
(Ref - The rise of life; A short History of nearly everything by - Bill Bryson}

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cosmic Science ; = Origin of Life =( Stromatolites )

In 1961 scientists got a real surprise with the discovery of a community of living stromatolites at Shark Bay Australia............. They are lusterless and gray and look like very large cow- pots. you are `yourself staring at living remnants of Earth as it was 3.5 billion years ago. The base, these dull rocks swarm with life ....with an estimated 3 billion individual organisms on every sq. yd of rock. can see tiny bubbles rising to the surface as they give up their oxygen.. In 2 billion years such tiny exertions raised the level of oxygen in Earth`s atmosphere to 20% preparing the way for next, more complex chapter in life`s history. ( Ref - Bill Bryson ; the rise of life,= A short history of nearly everything)

Without spiritual awakening all rituals and religious practices are vain effort's sensory including visual objects originate in Consciousness by the reflection of the mind
The realised person never feels lonely even if he lives alone. Even in action he does not feel involved or while talking does not lose his inner quiet. He does not desire what is not easily offered to him, He is not disturbed in distress nor does feel elated in
To spiritual elites the perceptual universe is nothing but a play or `Leela` of Brahman.
All seven Heavens are but cosmic wavelengths within our mind/soul complex depending on our spiritual attainment..
The Absolute never works or create but only desires and manifests through involution-evolution play of Consciousness..
The Word God is only a logo and bears variable meanings.. God is not an anthropomorphic biological being nor our Heaven - a physical space's Time-space dimension.
Religion is most often identified as an ethnic and sociocultural practices and belief, mostly a sort of external identification regarding individual and community faith influenced by historical and geographical back-drop with belief in unexplained super-natural powers.
Ideally religion is one`s way of living and responding to the surrounding events and environments.
It is better to learn a good thing and practise it in life than gathering knowledge like a store-keeper.
It is only fool`s idea that that different religion have different Gods. If there is god , that god must be the lord of everything, every being all the time and anywhere in the Cosmos and Even beyond..There can be only one God, good or bad.
Our real identity is not our body or mind but our soul-consciousness that survives Death and is transferred to our next life with our qualitative experiences. There we acquire a new ego for self-identification.. And this `there ` is not a physical space as emphasised before.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Spiritual Science & Cosmology ; (10)
After the Great Dissolution or Maha_Kaal ,all matter and form will dissolve into potential Energy and only the Consciousness of Parabrahman will remain.
All perceptions , all sorrows are born out of the disturbed surface mind.
As the sages and realised saints have no material attachments their question of controlling them does not arise
Sense from the Ego is the father of Mind.
From the Absolute,- Cosmic Consciousness arise; from the consciousness the cosmic mind or Mahat comes out. This Mahat is the generator of Csmic Egg (Hiranyagarva) or mutable cosmos.Once you develop attachment to any material object or earthly feeling, you will be bound to it even beyond your Death and carry it as an inherited quality or defect.
Once one develops the spiritual basis of life, he will own it and his next birth will initiate from there. Once you learn cycling you never forget the skill.
Whether you desire it or not you cannot live even a minute without some sort of work, be it mental and physical. Even breathing , thinking are work only.. Work done with conscious detachment leave no negative effect.
As water current makes the whirls condensed moisture in atmosphere makes cloud, -the cosmic mind descends down to make individual mind.
Cosmic mind that pervades the 5 sheaths of our body makes our existence alive and meaningful while our consciousness is the expression of our Soul.
Our ignorant mind getting entangled in material field glorify the works of vital world.
Rationally there is no difference between Soul and mind. Mind is the degraded or earthly part of the soul which is the pure extract of mind level. Soul is like the cleanest piece of cloth while mind is the same cloth getting dirty.
Meditation is the normal waking state of yogi. Once we are spiritually awakened, we naturally grow less interested in material enjoyment.


Every thing from ,string`/quark to cosmos and every being from microbe to man is indivisible continuum of Existence. This unity of existence is the ultimate truth. Sense of division is ignorance. Sense of unity is Knowledge.
Without a reflection we can not see our own face; without consciousness we can not know anything - not even God.
The Universe exists only in our Consciousness and because of Observer - field of observation and consequent knowledge of observation.
`I think so I am , -told Descartes. But `I am so I think ` is the revealing reality behind.
More our Consciousness expand, more the Cosmos get revealed and expanded.
Spirituality is integrated attitude of knowledge and living quality of conscious man.
On the highest rung of evolutionary ascent, religion and spirituality may not mean the same level of consciousness.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Neither your relatives nor your friends will be your companion in next life.
The Consciousness ,the cause o9f our life mind and psyche is not mutable and not created by Nature nor we can destroy it .
Suicide is the full`s idea of escaping through life. After suicide the dead suffers more from what he tries to escape from and has to pay more in the succeeding life.
Those who misuse their power for name fame or to impress people, loose both their spirituality and future. All magicians know that their magic power is play of tricks.
For spiritual growth you do not need to torture your body or mind.
Desire is the drive for all vital works. By controlling your desire you can control your worldly needs.
You might have read all the books of the world and yet might be quite ignorant. The granite stone dipped in water does not soak any.
After all success in our spiritual pursuit our Ego is our worst hurdle.
What is the value of renunciation if you have not renounced your ignorance ! Ignorance is, really , your own possession.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

1 and 2 ; ` Buckle my shoe `; God is the Only and ITS powers are two (mutable and immutable )
3 and 4 ; `shut the door` ; vital vibrations are three and types are four ( Sattwa , Rajah , Ta-ma ; ** And knower , fighter, commercial and serving classes)

5 and 6 ; `pick up sticks` ; perceptions are five and `Darshans` are six (seeing ,hearing, smelling, taste and touch ; And ** six ways of Vedantic realisation)

7 and 8 ; `lay them straight ` ; Heavens are seven , `units` are egiht ( Bhu -Bhuva -Swa -Maha - jana - ta-pa -sattwa ; ** bhumi-apa -anala-bayu khang-mano-buddhi-ahankara )

9 and 10 :` big fat hen` ; brahmin-qualities are nine ; organs are ten (Shama-dama-tapa-shoucha-Kshanti-Arjiva, daya,dakshinya,astikya ; ** 5 organs of reception & 5 ,of action.)***information added to the rhyme is after the GEETA.

This universe is a mere projection of Cosmic-consciousness on the mutable 3-D screen of the universe. Time is the fourth and Light -the 5th dimensional projections for display , just as our 2 dimensional T.V- Screen or THE shadow of a tree.
Praying to the Divine for self-gain or family wealth is a form of business -deal with the Divine.
The body however cared for or fed has to be discarded in the end. Only our changed consciousness is quality of our thoughts and action will be carried over.
There is deep happiness and peace when our Ego and Mental desires are over-come by our higher mind and soul.
At Death, our Causal body leaves our physical body And our next posting (life) resumes from that point with `promotion` ,or `Demotion` IE according to our performance in this life.
Even for our spiritual pursuit we need some requisite measure of wealth (infra-structure) as safe-guard. Yet our attitude should be like a `Trustee`(not owner). Even space-rockets need a hard base for take--off.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Our mind vibrates with matter to create a condition called desire and excites our `ego` to possess.
Wave is not separate from water itself; heat is not separate from fire or milk from its whiteness. The same way, the Universe is not separate from the Divine-consciousness.
Mind is only our soul trapped in Vibration of `Mahat` in the tri-vibration of `sattwa , `rajah-h`, and `ta-ma` or the frequency of Cosmic vibration.
Attainment of Worldly or great power has nothing to do with spiritual growth or attainment.
PURUSHA and PRAKRITI( The Divine & Mother Nature) are the other names of the First cause and the Cosmos(Big-bang and after ).
Billions of waves that rise on the Ocean are one water-mass only in multiple-form in Time-Space.
Ignorance is only another form of knowledge, varying in grade and quality ( like misinformation ). Darkness is nothing but degraded or lower intensity of light.
Our I-ness never dies. After death, we impart our I-ness to other body(changing job)

Life has to pass through millions of births (plant- microbe -...animal to man) for higher ascent.
Thoughts and inherited habits are held up in mental field like clouds on a monsoon sky. When clouds float away the blue sky reveals. when greed for material possession is over- come, peace naturally settles .
Sorrow and happiness are states of ignorant mind and related to our desire ,success or failure in getting them. When demand is high and achievement falls short , grief follows.
F0r spirituals-realisation, one neither needs idol nor rituals.
What we call filth, are food for so many living species.
Sankhya (Discriminatory) Yoga and Meditation (Rajah Yoga ) , both are ideal paths for realisation of the Divine.


Never ask for anything from anybody. Ask not for anything even from God except for love and knowledge. Selfish prayers are rarely considered by Heaven.
If a Guru can liberate any-body(if unworthy) , then he can even liberate a camel or a cow.
Examine your own self with your discriminatory consciousness. This is the best way to separate the SELF from the body.
What we think external or outside , is really not external but reflective condition of mind.
TIME -limited, unlimited or imaginary is a concept only. Modern Science also now agrees to space-time relativity and even `imaginary` time.
Mind is the connecting link between objective world and Consciousness.
So long we have desire, whether we work or not, we are in action.
`Witness`- attitude is the best form of contemplative mind.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Science & Spirituality :(4).

Consciousness is the only reality of existence while Meditation ( Rajah Yoga) is the experimental way of realising the divine.
Ritualistic practices help the growth of the mind upward , yet no good student of a school should stay in the same class throughout life.
Like the infinite number of photon in the sun-shine, there are infinite number of galaxies, Solar systems and planets nursing life.
`Know thyself ` to know the Divine ; without this Knowledge any number of japa-s or mantras
may prove to be blind venture.
Spiritual attainment does not depend on length of practices or attainment of wealth in life. The power of discrimination and practical way of living will decide everyone`s next life.
Once freed from `Egoistic` way and sensual or possessive desires, one neither need action or inaction ; or ritualistic practices nor religious outer-show
What ever we know through our perceptual means are play of vibrating electrons on sense -organs.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

If `Recycling ` on space-time living is science, why reincarnation of spirit-soul-consciousness is not . It does not need Einstein`s brain to speculate ,contemplate and calculate on this idea. What I propose here, cannot be proved on material field but needs honest and intelligent thinking or contemplation.
What Einstein wrote in 1905 was proved 17 years later (light bends by the pull of gravitation).
If matter-energy is constant and interchangeable (E = MC-square), spirit /soul/consciousness is also unchangeable and renewable and can take shelter in new form of life ( new born life).
After string theory ,Meg averse theory and Parallel Universe, even common man`s common sense has the potential capacity to conclude that Big -bang origin should have a designer just as the Empire Building must have an Architect behind its planning.
First cause or the divine or any name you give that should not have a belly-button (biological beginning of Divinity) for, that will necessitate parents to open up the `play`.

Spiritual science and cosmology ; (3)
On the third day of our death we rise from our earthly slumber and know that we are dead and our senses are 7-times more acute. Now we suffer death if we were more attached and greedy or feel free and liberated if we were spiritual.
Neither Heaven nor Hell exists out side our mental sphere. They are not physical space but only field of wave length of cosmic vibration like multiple channels on single T.V -screen.
Extroverted or material mind, even if , highly skilled ,on material field are not qualified for spiritual level of life.
The Coarsest expression of the mind is the universe and the subtlest form of universe is mind .
As we develop, our vision changes; the intense love for the toys of childhood is gone forever
So long we have the fixed idea of good and bad, we can not transcend the bound human conditions. The filth and excreta that we abhor so much are surviving food for billions of germs.
All ritualistic practices ,not supported by discrimination , -are blind habits.
So long the ego and lower mind exist, no body can deny the physical universe.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Name and form are only identification in division to understand the ultimate ONE. Gold-ring and gold chain are but gold only
Mind has no shape nor form. Knowledge Of matter and quality is the Mind itself.
Subject-object phenomena is the manifestation of the Universe. Purushottama(DIVINE )-consciousness is the only subject. Object can never be the Observer. We observe only with our gifted-consciousness. You Can not see your own eye without mirror or refection
Om is the eternal Cosmic vibration. Modern Science has reached up to vibrating String. Everything from diamond to dust, Galaxies to garbage are the ultimate product of string -vibration, like cotton threads making the cloth , pillow or quilt.
Sattwa , Rajo ,tamo are tri-vibration of cosmic mind. It is Divine form of vibrating frequency. All human beings saints to beast have got these three gunas, though in varying proportions. Even saints must have their kidney and bladder (n0t only brain and soul) .
Until you can convert your gross mind into expanding consciousness we can not transcend the state of duality.

Monday, August 14, 2006

All perceptions are electron-play on our sensory field through EMF -game.
The Cosmos is mutable Field-show and we are programmed to play our part
Birth and Death are two sides of the single coin called `life.`
Long life can be a blessing if we contemplate and know - who we are ` why we are born and who is the real author of our life and living.
We learn and experience through division and discrimination, and matures through sense of unity(wisdom) . On a sea-beach you can count the waves or view the sea or sky.; the choice is yours.
Cosmos is the play-field of Nature and the master of manifested Nature is our consciousness.
To-day is neither yesterday nor tomorrow. No river-space is the same next moment.
Play your part as designed for you and act consciously..
Free will is a fancy term. We feel free only within the field of relativity.
Material attachments are like adhesive tape ; It is easy to get fixed but painful to get rid of.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

GLOBAL VIEW : ( The changed scenario of the Globe )
It is a different world. It is an integrated world too. Gone are the days of feudal or imperial or
divided and separated world. Gone are the days of Gun powder, crude canon and telegraphic means of ruling over. Even the frame of World-War I & II are replaced.
This Electronic ,Computer age, missile and nuclear age is filling up every corner of the globe . No global space or political system is isolated any more. Now is a the dangerous age of global terrorism and liquid `pocket -bombs` challenging the existing imbalance of the modern Political system. No use blaming one nation or any group or any system of governing.
So long the gross imbalance of economic conditions and religious faith / belief of human race is not corrected towards Unified -living and sharing of either side`s sufferings and affluence ,this `war of the world `will go on and take more dangerous turn because ,these days , no size of an army will decide the outcome . Yet, only a group of intelligent rebellions can bring global turmoil .
This demands the age, for UNO to rule over all nations treating the world as a place for every one . Other wise the impotent or weak-kneed UNO may be the witness for coming Global disaster. No single nation has the inherent right to life and affluence while the rest or a part suffers or starve.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

COSMIC VIEW : Even Global view surpassed by a Cosmic Man ( Einstein )

He crushed our reality (Newtonian world) and rebuilt the cosmic relativity by two strokes :- a) Special and b) General (theory of relativity).
"over the course of a few intense weeks on the springs of 1905, he determined that space and time are not independent and absolute, as Newton had thought, but are enmeshed and relative in a manner that flies in the face of common experience. ......
This time, not only did Einstein show that space and time are part of a unified whole, he also showed that by wrapping and curving they participate in cosmic evolution. ...... space and time in Einstein`s reworking are flexible and dynamic. .... . Ours is a relativistic reality."
( Fabric of the Cosmos by -Brian Greene, ISBN 0-375-72720-5 )
And more to know. Light is not matter but wave and is the `visitor` from 5th dimension. Our visual field is one of the narrowest bands of EMF which is the director of our perceptual universe.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Two friends started their pilgrimage to find God , Some distance on road-side was a temple and devotees were singing loud, for the presence of the Lord. One friend wanted to stop but the other told -`don`t you see god is not yet there ,that`s why they are urging for his presence.
Next stop they found a Mosque where `Allah ho Akbar` filled up the sky and the friends decided ,Allah had not yet come there too.
On the third stop -was a church and a priest was sermoning that we all are sinners and should pray for God`s pardon. The two friends found that as there were too many `sinners` already waiting , their chance won`t come any soon. So they left and went on.
At last they came under the shade of a tree where a `fakir` was sitting silent and in deep meditating mood with eyes open but not seeing anything.
At once the two seeker ran to the fakir in joy and said - `must be, he has found something worth of seeking because he is silence personified and so relaxed.( folk tale )

COSMOLOGY : = Other Realities =
"we believe that our world consist of all that we can see, unaware of the fact that there may be entire universes right above our noses. Although another universe might be hovering just above us floating in the fourth dimension, it would appear to be invisible".(Parallel worlds , ch -seven ; by - Michio Kaku, ISBN 0-385-50986-3).

`There more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy `- Shakespeare.

More than 100 years ago a realised spiritual giant ,Swami Vivekananda told (see Complete Works of...) -~ `just this moment so many other universes or beings are passing through us. We do not see them ,neither they do see us`.
The amusing fact is that we ,human-beings with our so limited perceptual powers and a little intelligence ,think that everything that is there or anywhere ,are within our tight grip!

"Seventy years ago (1928),if Eddington is to be believed, only two people understood the the theory of relativity...........
...the limitation that the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics sets on our power of prediction..........
....we have, as yet, had little success in predicting human behavior from mathematical equations !
( Stephen W.Hawking in Brief History of Time, ISBN 0-553-17325-1)

SPIRITUALITY : ___ The Monistic Truth On Cosmic Screen___

"Purnamshya yatha Chandra Eka ebati nirmala
Tena tat sandrisham pashyet dwidha drishti biparyaya"
Avadhuta Geeta( in Sanskrit )
`The full-moon, that only, -reveals the pure form of the moon
Like that ,visualise the Divine ,divided vision invites confusion`
(translated /trancreated by hiranmoy Gautom )

The shape and strength of light of Moon varies throughout the Lunar cycle.Thw sickle-cell moon, the half-moon ,the full moon,- are one and the same moon displayed in variation on the sky. That different aspects of the moon does not make the moon different It is the same Moon in different presentation.
Similar is the play of the Divine. All variations in our revealed life are but expressions of that DIVINE only. Seeing in division is play of Cosmic Maya only.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Universe Dancing on Numbers :
It so interesting to read and know that our Universe is not an accidental happening but the outcome of a calculation and design in-spite of underlying quantum uncertainty at sub-atomic level.
Martin Rees` Book ~ JUST SIX NUMBERS ( ISBN 0-465-03672-4) is a very interesting book to read takes one ,reading , to a stimulated level of understanding the Universe and to nurture the faith that the universe was designed as it was desired:-
Just Six numbers are the signals of deep forces that shape the Universe and they are,
i)N = 10 to the power 36 is the strength of electrical forces that hold atoms together.
2)e=0.007 defines the way the atomic nuclei bind together.#) the Cosmic number Omega-measures the amount of material in the Universe. 4) Lambda--a cosmic anti-gravity force that controls the expansion of the Universe,. %)Q-, represent a number which represents the ratio of two fundamental energies and about 1;100,000in value. Finally 6) is the spatial dimension in our World; D equals three and Time is the fourth. (Not that I have understood all but I am still reading it to know more about.)

An Ignorant`s view of Cosmology an Spirituality ;
If Big bang happened or universes are breeding like rats ,IT needed a smart planner of the Stature of the DIVINE.
That Designer(if named -God) must not had a belly-button (commonsense )because then he needed to have parents(biological common sense).
The Divine ,if his name is God, must be the lord of all species, all beings and the Universe, -older than all Time (not only 4000yesars old).
Like the Suns rays lighting up every house ,Consciousness filter in every one of all beings as soul.
However variable and different the perceptual or objective universe is, `the universe is only a living Whole in Consciousness. Your T.V has multiple channels but that does not make the screen multiple or locatios changable( only wave-lengths change)
If there is God (idea of God is always variable) that god is bound to be the god of every race ,every sect ,every beings(from virus unto man)in spite of our giving him so many fancy names.

When we see a beautiful building we accept, there was a an architect behind to plan.
When we visit Taj Mahal ,we know it was built by great artists under the the ruler ship of Shah Jahan. When we see a big tree, we know, within mind , there was the seed for that out-come. Only when we look at night-sky, to the myriad stars and the moon or during the day -the Sun , or we learn about the millions of stars and galaxies making the universe of matter,energy and life, we are hesitant to accept the role of a designer ,the First Cause. As if even the first Big-bang ,automatically happened without an initiating plan.
We ,often blindly believe or are forced to accept things without our rationalistic knowledge applied ; or without our courage to challenge conclusions even if labelled as `Scientific` while real Science always accept challenge and change.
Samkhy Darshan(yoga) of Vedic and Vedantic experiences are known as `Atheistic` because ,there , the role of Anthropomorphic God is denied and Purus ha & Prakriti ,the two super-Conscious forces of Nature are recognised as the executors or manifestators of the Cosmos ,(Visible-invisible) That is like the `Modern Cosmology and quantum Physics of to day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

MATTER-ENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESS ; (In Lighter Vein ) Where our Consciousness come from ? If matter is mutable and consciousness immutable , how are the both interlinked (in spite of Einstein`s law of matter-energy equivalence (E=MC square).
Whether the egg came first or the hen !..... And Sri Aurobindo ,some when, joked.-the cock was someway involved. Or, another tale in lighter vein :-

There was a deeply sincere botanist studying a tree all absorbed. He was measuring the total weight of the tree in a different experimental way. Suddenly he found a big bird flying away from the top branch of the tree. The contemplative Scientist was single-minded-researcher and never knew much about birds. So he concluded that -bird is an out-growth or product of the tree like leaves and branches and its flying away makes the tree lose proportional weight.
* (The tree`s loss is of weight does not concern us but we are at a loss to know -what Consciousness is and where we get it from ?)

"Every living thing is an elaboration on a single original plan. ........ Remarkably, we are even closely related to fruit and vegetables. About half the chemical functions that take place in banana are fundamentally the same as chemical functions that take place in you.
It cannot be said too often that all life is one. That is, and I suspect will forever prove to be, the most profound true statement there is."
(Bill Bryson in `A short History of Nearly Everything`)
"A single original plan" -what a marvelous statement of faith and conviction ! It coincides so beautifully with the utterances of realised sages of Vedic and Vedantic Age ! ` Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Badanti` (All Existence is one the wise souls tell in different ways) .
In final phase of Comic display the Divine had to manifest (not create) in humanity
this expanding Consciousness in man; other wise, who would, even to day, know and tell all these ! Without an`Observer`, -what is Cosmos or even the Divine !
cosmic manifestations and Monistic plan of the Divine or ,be it, Designer.

Monday, August 07, 2006

GLOBAL VIEW : - Life on Earth -
" Of the billions and billions of species of living things that have existed since the dawn of time, most -99.99 percent are no longer around. Life on Earth, you see, is not only brief but dismayingly tenuous. It is curious feature of our existence that we come from a planet that is very good at promoting life but even better at extinguishing it."
( A Short History of Nearly Everything -Bill Bryson : ISBN o-7679-0818-X )

The Big-Bang happened without a `Bang as there was no one there to hear it.
The Big-Bang happened nowhere, for- space was created after it happened
The Big-Bang did not occur any when, for Time was born after that event.
So where from the energy came to explode a Big-Bang ? (Who was the `terrorist` !!)
The Big-Bang is the child of back-calculation and only another apparent reality within Relativity. Einstein`s super-intelligent- -Consciousness made us dare run with the speed of Light and made us understand now (what the Scientists, then, did not)and wander on `Alice`s wonder-land` with empowered spirit of elevated conscious state.
To day they say that Big-bang is not one but many and Universes are multiplying like breeding rats and Quantum Uncertainty is the certainty of all reality around.
More we split the atoms, more granular they become, beyond our power of measuring, -unto quarks and we depend on gluon to bind them until , everything vanishes into spinning`String`Theory`, making cosmic dance of vibration and spin to make the beautiful `Pavlova dance of beauty and fluidity in motion, resulting in simulated reality that we know as our Universe. But what is Reality or Relativity without the tool of the `Knower -called Consciousness ? Or ,What is CONSCIOUSNESS?

`Neither the Sun nor effulgent Light
nor the beauty of the reflective moon
The cosmos rises , floats and dissolve
with myriad universes all within

The first born space on the Cosmic-mind
reflects the images of matter and life.
Slowly , streams of shadows-enter the arena of
space-time-void beyond expression or thoughts
suppressing all perceptions of mind

Alone -exists the EXISTENCE there
within Consciousness of -the DIVINE.
(Translation/transcreation of a Bengali song ; aut6hor-not known to the translator)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

WE ARE NOT FREE :( Free Will !)

`within the cosmos ,on its infinite expanse
where lies your freedom ,tell
when everything is bound in one
The more you try to escape, - more pulled within
more you separate out ,the more the trap.
Even the infinite myriad atoms are packed
by particles within
where lies your freedom, friend
can you deny the Cosmic laws or Newton`s Grav`
Are Yourself bound in myriad ways
a mere biological `robot`, friend !`
Hiranmoy Gautom


`Neither to the crowd he runs nor to the forest he turns
where ever he is and anywhere be placed
he stays calm and with equamity`.

`Neither he finds faults,nor he praises, nor tries to please
not ever he is elated nor found angry
he does not offer gifts nor likes to receive them
is never influenced and is ever free`.

(translated from Astabakra Samhita -by Phani basu )

SPIRITUAL COSMOLOGY :: Better to borrow the story from a spiritual Giant who realised spirituality , not borrowed it from Library reading. Swami Vivekananda in 1893-Chicago-World Religions Conference, Started his speech with a story which can be told only in his way:- `There was a frog living its life in chess pool, For it this pool was his whole `universe`.One day another frog from the sea visited it and told about his home. The frog of the pool asked -`is your sea bigger than my great world. The frog from the sea laughed kindly and told the truth. But the frog of the pool refused to agree and took a leap to cover more space on the ground and challenged- `is your home larger than even this? The sea-frog smiled broad and told that it was too vast even to imagine. The pool-frog did not believe, -went on with more jumps and yet could not make the the sea -frog agree to its local-belief. Finally, in frustration, it told that Sea-frog was a liar(story is compressed for lack of space}.

Our Cosmic view and also our opinion on Spiritual Cosmology , naturally will depend on ower mode of living, experience and quality of our personal growth and belief.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

COSMIC IDEA :He not only changed the picture of the universe but the Frame also at once. Event happened in 1905 when one young man of 25-26 ,an outsider amongst Scientific luminaries ,a third class technical hand in a Patent office, dared to ride a ray of light ,on the dimension of his thought , and took a Cosmic view of the universe. On this poetic journey, not only his view and experience changed but he threw all the bi-focal eye-glasses of all so called learned scientists and since the Universe has never been as before again. Other informations should better be supplied by higher sources.
"...he failed his college entrance exam on the first try....he took a job in Swiss patent office...Having solved several of the mysteries of the Universe he applied for a job as a university lecturer and was rejected and then as a high school teacher and rejected there as well.
Einstein "was born Germany ...grew up in Munich.Little in his early life suggested the greatness to come....did not speak until he was three".
" that one eventful year he submitted...five papers of which three ` amongst the greatest in history of physics ` on photoelectric effect on the behavior of small particles in suspension ...and one outlining a special theory of relativity
The first won its author a Noble prize....the second provided proof that atoms do exist...the third merely changed the world"
( A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson : ISBN 0-7679-0818-X )
Eversince, the cosmic idea about the Universe has changed so rapidly unto the present multipleverses(Megaverse) to String theory (of -origin of evrything that is or there is or there ever will be) that it now finally awaits to be linked or integrated with the Observer-Field and Observation process and the role and nature of the Participating Consciousness...

Once, on my morning walking, I asked a honey-bee ,-`from which flowers you collect your honey`?
The answer came quick through those dancing vibration,- `I am neither selective nor have any bias. Whichever flower offers me honey I accept and enrich myself`.
From that day onward, my religious base was baptised to Spirituality.

Friday, August 04, 2006

There is a belief that Cyclone, tsunami, tornado ,flood, Earthquakes ` even,- World-wars are but Balancing Act of Mother Nature and for lasting Peace, at some point, War may be a necessity. In post-Vedantic period, it is believed that Mother Kali destroys, kindly, only to re-create (Candi,-Markandeya Purana). Even Jesus declared that he came not for Peace but for war(Bible). Krishna on Kurukshtra, proclaimed that when ever there is down-fall of `Dharma, He descends down to protect good and destroy evil(Geeta).
This is a dangerous era of Global missile and nuclear `stock-piles` in too many uncertain hands. All fighting forces claim to be on God`s side ! Even UNO now is confused and loosing time to decide -how to help `GOD`!
The modern war-fields are not limited to the War-Front-Zone alone ,- but spreadover everywhere e,g Schools, homes, hospitals, temples, mosque (or,tell me ,-where not) !
Is humanity now on the brink ,-for its final fall !

1959:; an Indian student for his M.D(medicine), wrote a thesis(not published) proposing that proneness to diseases was an in-born pattern in blood (`ABO Blood Group and Diseases`).It was offered that, even if exposed to same condition only certain people suffered,- due to inherited defect in Blood. The Genetic Science was still not born or on its cradle. Two diseases were proved to have inherited link and statistically supported. O.K.! That is a lost world but that raw thesis is still with Delhi University, India.
It was also proposed that there is a possible hormone -Facilitating Hormone-or `FAITH HORMONE` produced by the liver under the influence of Pineal gland and Pituitary gland (Master of Endocrine Orchestra). All mode of self-confidence or faith(non-spiritual or spiritual) have a predestined source within our biological
icon-spots and if discovered ,can help Humanity to Evolve to its desired height. It is now a belief, even in science world, that MEDITATION can change the Genetic pattern(A/T/G/C), we are born with,and transform, even, the soul of a murderer.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

MATURING SCIENCE AND EXPANDING UNIVERSE :First it was the contemplative and philosopher man with rationalistic attitude that gave birth and maturity to Modern Science. Since, our consciousness also expanded from flat and sitting Earth to moving and revolving One accepting the Sun as resting (relatively) and shining at the centre of revolving planets.
Soon we found that our sun is only but a tiny star millions and millions of which make galaxy and there are millions of Galaxies.
Then we were told that the universe originated from a Big-Bang and the exploding space started `Expanding` giving the credit of discovery to Hubble while it was Friedman to whom the credit should go. The Role of Einstein is so vast and integrated in our space-time and dimensions that maintaining silence here is better way.
Now, we are being informed of Mega-verse, Multiverse, Breeding-Universe, Membrane- Universe, Quantum reality`,Sub-atomic Universe, quark,boson,etc etc and finally to the String Theory pointing to Theory of Everything.

I think that the Divinity is often at a loss to know - how to deal with HIS `children` ! Judaism think that Jehovah is the only God for the globe Christians think that t God is the real name of the Divine and any other name for god is `heathen` idea.
The Muslim World think that the real name of the divinity should be `Allah` even though the family-feud in the Muslim world of Sunnis and Shiites are now more exposed.
In Vedic world there is a very very large branch[ng out of Vedantic Divinity and all their different sects have given different names to their Divinity .
Only Sri Ramakrishna of the 19th century cleared the confusion in the best way such as the same water Of the pond are named differently e.g. `water` by English,`Pani` by muslims and `jaal` by Bengali Hindus.
Eventhough the word `Hindu` is a slang given by the persian invader,Indians feel comfortable, without protest or reforms.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


As I think deeply or try to contemplate following thoughts engulf me so much :-
In spite of of our being the highest and best species on the scale of Evolution,
I. Our nails grow naturally and demands regular trimming.
II. In spite of our incapability to hunt by biting canine teeth stand as a proof- where from and how we got them and are still caring for (sometimes, we even need dentist`s help to preserve them.
III. In spite of our physical frailty , we get so much pleasure in killing by hunting or shooting ,a killing sport, if we can afford a shooting gun(may be, sometimes we miss the mark and shoot someone nearby).
All the above facts index to the source of our origin eve4n though, the Scripture says that God made us in His image. But I often try to know if the Divine has those problems as ours !


The Sea-beach under the Azure sky
tiny fishes - joyfully swim
with the ever, ever dancing waves
all hungry sea-gulls `swooping down
as if, Greek-tragedies on `re-peat` show

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


If you have consciousness, can`t the Divine also have it ?
If the divine is Conscious ,was it borrowed from you or you got it from the Divine ?
If everything that is,,-is from higher or subtle Power ,why is not consciousness too,
a part of that higher source !
And because we are conscious, let us contemplate.


Whether God created the Universe 4000 yrs back or Bing Bang did it 10 to 13 billion yrs ago, is an issue outside this Clement. Surely, God did not create different `religions` for different Ethnic/sectarian groups, for their in-fighting or creating Global crisis. Neither, God designed different `names` for vocal-identification to help the `children` of His Universe.
If God has a belly-button or not, demands rational thinking. Having belly-button is a direct proof of biological origin involving participation of parents and that God can not be the FIRST CAUSE by any concession. This opinion does not eliminate the extension of Divinity or Divine Consciousness empowering man the status of being a Prophet.


`Quantum Mechanics allows the Universe to have a beginning that is not a singularity`.


`It is very difficult to explain ,-why the Universe should have began this way except as the act of God who intended to create beings like us`.
---(Theory of Everything -by Stephen Hawking )