Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I Liked the Story told to me by Sj. Arun Miyra , next-door neighbor, It was told to him by his school-teacher and the real author or source is not known. Yet it has a great message :
A king ( let's say "once upon a time) Declared a great reward to any one in his kingdom , if one could make him understand that 2+2 = 4.
The Queen was furious and scolded the King for risking on such a bet, as it was so easy to make anyone understand that 2+2 is always equal to 4.

The king smiled and replied -' why do you worry so much lady ! If I refuse to nderstand it , where is there any one , who can force me to understand ?

The moral is interesting and Universal even for psychology or Spirituality !

Saturday, February 20, 2010


i. If YOUR GOD HAS A BELLY-BUTTON, HE/SHE must have her biological parent; so can not be the First Cause nor the Author of the COSMOS.

II. If your 'GURU' demands your total obedience and blind faith without answering your larger questions ,better be be an Atheist and explore yourself.

III. GOD or DIVINE is not that small that a temple or a mosque or Church can enclose him/her/that.

iv. Like o & I of computer The DIVINE IS Ever invisible and potentially active everywhere and in everything
v' You yourself are a frozen -Energy pack equivalent to 34 or more of Hydrogen Bombs.But you are in-effective as you are 'material'

vi.WE are all vibrating bodies. Master over your type of vibration and see what you can become.

Friday, February 19, 2010


1. Give Rs 5/-e to a begger; but Dotn't think that you are helpng that beggar . You are only inspiring him more to be a beggar and spoiling his faith in himself . But you are , from another angle ,enlargig your soul and power of giving . So be grateful to the beggar and wait not for a salute or 'thank you'.

2. Believe not in the 'sermon' - 'Don't tell a lie'. . Every one lies , even the priests tells lies more frequently. The famous writers practise lies more often but helps societiy by stealing others' experiences and printing in different names to (help their own fortune too) help people to think for themselves. The Doctor lies when he tells his dying patient , - 'You will be alright' and that's really 'noble lie'.And .... do not hesitate to lie , if it saves any one's life. Don't lie for self-gain.

3.Don't try to do good to any one or being . Who are you that you can do good. You can only help ,if asked.How you know that your doing good is not harming another way.Even some mothers harm their child by over doing in affection and blind love.
Best is to ; - donn't harm any one consciously even if it is an insect. And , finally , don't even kick a stone without a reason.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The River has to widen up, foget its name to join the SEA.

Stagnant cess - pool or tight -closed River has little Chance to get connected to the river untill the communication is established.

Individuality with 'Lower ego ' is like a PC without Internet connection. Get to the Internet and all knowledge is within your REACH.Small circle has a centre; In infinity every place or point is its centre.

Lower Ego is, Pride with blind belief(Smaller self ); Higher EGO is Cosmic identity with expanding Consciousness.Expanding consciousness like fragrance of a flower. Only ignorants believe that Ego cqan be totally dropped before and outside full realisation (in Samadhi)

The word GOD is a LOGO only(name without form).Otherwise it is an English word. There were Greek's god,Roman's god before English Language. There are other 'gods' of other geographical Identities and even higher civilisations..

Thursday, February 11, 2010


If matter is indestructable but only conver table ( E= m.c-square )
Why soul is also not industrable and also convertable ?

iF DARK ENERGY cAN SPONTANEOUSLY APPEAR TO KEEP the Balance of Expanding Universe, why Soul or Consciousness can't also blossom spontANEOUSLY (BY WILL OD first cause TO KEEP THE BALANCE IN living sphere of Cause.

Is matter and CONSCIOUSNESS the same elemental character OR are independent or Integrated ?

Is it that Modern Scientists are sailing the river of TRUTH but from the other end of the facts.

IS it cosnic Consciousness first and then the Cosmos or the reverse order ?
With out the first observer, what is OBSERVATION or the OBJECT or the Universe ?

Saturday, February 06, 2010


What is GOD ? - It's a logo or word(Greek) for variable conception about the Divine.
Is it a Proper noun or Common Noun ? - It is a Pronoun that stands for so many ideals of so many groups of people or community.
Where can I find God ?- No where. God is not an object of perceptual reality.
What is the other names of God ?- Multiple idea of the Divine in every sect, Race,or ethnic groups.'God' is only an English word and before English Race there were Romans , Greeks , Hebrews,Shaiviks(pre aryan Indians),Vedic indians, buddhists and Islam, finally.

Whether Monotheism is better than polytheism?- the question is irrational. Nothing is good or bad in the field of Spirituality or Reality(above relativity ).In that way only Pantheism is the reality.
How is that ? - Either everything is divine or nothing is.
What is the,then, good? -only good is incompatible. Good and bad are only mental conception. They are either side of the same coin.; like darkness and light,Day and Night.Even filth is good food for some germs.
Where can I find God ? within yourself or no where.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


In darkness I see better these days
What glow is this that illuminates within
this lonliness within that dialogues so much
this expressive silence ; this mute re research!

Beyond all perceptions, a music rise
an eternal Octave ,some pure dark muse
sonewhere too deep and beyond my touch
a blossomming urge that beacons so much.

There must be a sphere of Divine bliss
a different life arresting (all)decay
and must have a way up the 'spiral stairs'
to lead to a land of higher sphere.

Must be a space that's vaster than mind
where Love rests not on throbbing heart
Where inside and outside,-both, fuse unto one
an Elysium where, Death can't split apart. -(written on 16.12.87)