Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Our reality--Universe is only the reflection of recordings on our Perceptual field by the effect of EMF reaction through Mental-intakes, a tricky play of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Our 20/20 vision is also not not the full capacity or potential (100/100). Even Birds (e.g -eagles) have far better visual power than you and me.

Dogs can sniff many times better than us.

So in what way our assessment is the final FACTS of REALITY.

EINSTEIN admitted it ; better you too join.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

SUMMING UP ------------(V)

ALL LIVES including Homosapiens are
Cosmic BIOOGIC Beings from microbes , insects to MAN
Humans live in 5 -storey SEVEN-Floor House
The floor they live within - in any given time
decides their bioogic nature and response -in line

Below the Belly -Button ,their life has three form
f ONE - to exist , re-produce and expand aike( base life)
Eat, drink and be merry , even at others cost
Or in SEX-life all pleasure and desire spent(2nd F)
at the Vital Level (3F-belly button) is the Mammon's expansive way
Come to the Heart (4F) and wil l first know LOVE
An expanding Consciouness for Unified JOY.
Reach the 5 th floor , the Cetre of Expression of SOUL
Great Leaders, the ARTIST, the Ssientists' Creative GOAL.
Rise to the 6Th level, the Third Eye --there
the centre for Cosmic-Vision Of Poets , thvVsionaries in real form
Seventh Floor ? and I better not try to define
one has to exceed himself for Cosmic realisation and strife
to know all form life and living of UNIFIED FIE LD
and be like the DIVINE **ITSELF with UNITY in EVERY THING.
Notes ;
** The DIVINE is neither male nor Female nor Neuter.; BUT the POTENTIAL Father-mother ( CREATIVE) FORCE/SOURCE of everything Imaginable or even beyond !
"Na Stree-shu, Na Pumaneshu, Na Chaiba sa napunsaka"( Sanskrit) , Upanishat, of Bharat
varshsa. { Biologica Sexual -differentiation came billions and billions of years after the Cyclic COSMOS was formed).

Friday, October 07, 2011


Now trying to stand in Support of my hypothesis; that we are all really 'REMOTE CONTROLLED' ,at Cosmic level, by 9 Endocrene glands from top of our head to down below to the level of our sexual identity and also thru' spinal centers inthe following way:
I . We have Pityitary Gland -the Master of the Endocrene (ORCHESTRA)gands and II. the PINEAL GLAND the remnant link to our cosmic connection(?). III & IV we have Thyroid &Para-Thyroid Glands for our vital & Metabolic functions.
Then(V) we have VAGUS Cranial Nerve for our Autonomic( Parasympathetic) functions.
Now (VI) Connected to liver we have the Pancreas, another center for metaboism to handle , with Insulin, to deal with Glucose and it's storage in liver as Glycogen.
VII & VIII. .Then let us come down a little more and stop just at the Head of kidney where there is the very important Gland (supra-Renal) dealing with two very vital functiond a) Corticosteroid for to fight out in crisis and critical conditions or Emergencies, And b)also the Adrenal gland producing Adrenaline for our Sympathic response in battling life.
IX . Last is our real CAPITAL for KUNDALINI RESEVOIR or OUR SEX -ROOT _POWER HOUSE i.e TESTICLES in Men and Oestrogen-progesterone complex in women ; for our real Joy of Living and contitnuation of species through reproduction and genetic Out-flowor flowering.

What more we need to understand that we are just Conditional Slaves to the out flow of the NINE HORMONAL CENTERS and respond reflexly to the the strings/strokes of these hormonal vibrations.
I told you already, before, that CONSCIOUS HOMOSAPIENS live in a 5 storey house and reacts according to the floor he or she occupies at certain particuar phase of living.
No use blaming the person for his action. Yet. I shall concude with one mdical Joke;
The highly intelligent and scholarly convict urgued with the judge :
'My Lord, it was not my fault ; my hormone forced me to do it'
And the Judge smiled and joined: Well Sir, it is aso not my fault; My hormone is forcing me to give you 5 years' jail term ".
I hope we will understand , how we are bound as Cosmic Biological Robots ! (Concluded)

Thursday, October 06, 2011


So ! This BIOOGIC HOMOSAPIEN is Like a 5 storey Building with 7 potentia Floors. Why 5 storey ? Not by my choice , Einstien designed his theory of RELATIVITY it and compared with a two storeyHouse . Why ? you better ask him or read 'OUT of my later years"
And the Genius did not include LIFE in that E = Mc.square. but ony light and matter.
The Coosmic Biology had to include MIND, BUDDHI( experience absorbed thru' rational thought process & Ahakar ( EGO).;without which even EINSTEIN would Exist!' Thevinteresting annecdote is that a man leading his group was always counting all the heads, he was leading and never counting himself. The result was ; he was always in mking the wrongTotal.
The submission i want to make is; without CONSCIOUSNESS along with INTELLIGENCE and INDIVIDUAITY , what is really a COSMOS or ODOMOSS !
Who differentiates and how?
That 's why even the GRAND DESIGN always needd a DESIGNER. And that DESIGNER Designed an Inttelligent conscios Homosapien who would , like a MIRROR , reflect the DESIGNER's plan & play it back to Him.
When you are alone you make a plan to 'toy' with your time. And because GOD is ever alone ,he had to play with his OWN designed Time-Space Macinne and send some agents to report back . And EINSTEIN was surely one of of the so many ! Of course there were Other Games and other Players in his DESIGN. In short , without a reporter nothing would have been REPORTED Yet! AND HAWKINGS never likes to count himself !


My hypothesis cmpares life to a BIOLOGICAL COSMIC TOY OR ROBOT and I dare to make the inference on the basis of Cosmoogy, Biology and pre-vedic and Vedic Science that ourLIVUNF Body is like a 5 storey building with basement and roof added up to make 7 levels(floors) of a 5story house,
And 7 is a cosmic number The Yniverse is ony mathematics or pay of numbers) the spectrum has 7 shades, Also there are seven ayers of space in Universe e,g (Bhu/ Bhuva /swa/ maha/jana tapa &. brhma-ok ; Vedanta).
Now to the gyst and Compressed; cmbing thru ladder of Physical Science ; After birth our first CEntre is Sacra lexus or Lower Vital Center for our survival Growth and sustenace(pre-pubertal). This is MUADHAR center in Spiritual Science. NEXT (II) is SeX -Center or Reproductive Mechanism for continuation of Genetic flow (Recycing or re-incarnation of material ingradients of ife, This is Swadhisthan of Spiritual science or KUNDALINI Center of of Shaivic or PREVEDIC Spiritual Root. All creative and artistic or any higher evolution is the final manifestation of this KUNDALINI Force. Genius is nothing but the way of transferring ths cosmic Creativeforce to its desired goal. Next( III) is NAVAL CENTER ( Manipura) or TRUE VITAL CENTER whore from (with the some Endocrene glands) the Vital and Energy source of LIFE works to help KUNDAINI (SEX -FORCE ) to evolve into Cosmic Power.. Up to this level we are all spina man or animal -force.Once the HEART CENTER (Iv) is reached and Expands our CONSCIOUNESS spreads out towards UNIFYONG quality and start learningreal LOVE (just reverse the word and you get the real meaning of lovethatis EVOLVING.Next Center(V) is Center for expression or reaising -out the potentiality within us when we have rea MAN of UNIFYING LIFE. and our Kundaini force has transformed into various floering i.e sport, art, creativescienc, poetry , crative thinking , giving out etc. Thus the animal or spina man is now transforming himself into a GlLOBAL MAN.Next (VI) the THIRD EYE CENTRE or Centre for COSMIC VISION ; reseved for people ike NEWTON, EINSTEIN, MOTZART< BRTHOVEN, < RAMAKRISHNA for whom the tTOTAL VISION IS WITHIN A GLANCE.. And down fall in their Path is almost an abnormality, NOw Last(VII) is the SUPRA-COSMIC or DIVINES' ZONE or SAHRA or the ROOF as I ike to Name, This not within the house but not outside the BUILDING to and once you reach the rof the SKY becomes your roof and the whole Universe your Base ( "I am on this world but not of this word" - Jesus; St Matheas, Bible).
Enough for to day. Next if , get chance, shall bring the ENDOCRENE RCHESTRA (9 Endocrene gands ) to play the MUSIC of thie 'GRAND DESIGNER'.

Monday, October 03, 2011


KUNDAINI -SCIENCE ( from previous Part Of 'All GET In ')

Cosmic ilfe Principle in Homosapiens , the last evoutionary animal(don't feel insulted ; some animal se.g Trained Dogs has proved more intelligent , and faithful than you and me.). Any way , I already told that we arei like 5-story hose with basement and roof . And that gives us & cosmic node or stations for functioning Mechanism. Let me name them first as told in Kundalini Yoga. They are ; I Mulladhar (cf Sacral Plxus ), II Swadhistthan (Sex center ) III . Manipura ( Lower vital Center at umbelical level IV . Anahata or HEART center( higher center where Consciousness manifest in individual self). V . Kanttha chakra or centre for Expression VI. Ajngya Chakra or Center for Expression or Vision or Realisation VII . Finally SAHASRAA ( or the roof -floor as told in previous blog.-


We are really , only BIOLOGICAL COSMIC Robots , though feel FREE by ourselves but are really Bioogical being responding to the action-reaction results of these CENTERS as told above.

In Next Blog, I shall tel l about what our Modern Medical science tells and how it details about the ENDOCRENE SYSTEM that so exclusivey reguate our Life, Mind and intelligent (thoughts) forcing us to beieve that we are the MASTER of Ourselves. While in reality , it is the clever ENDOCRENE GLands from Pinea l-Pituitary to our SEX Gjands that are , really our GENETIC- MASTER regulating our Soul avove to Sex downwards through certain Horomones influencing all EMF,( perceptual) to metabolic and psycho-physical impulses and obligations or every thing


Sunday, October 02, 2011

ALLl GET WITHIN: -----; POLLUTION Out-side !

MIND IS A CRUDE INSTRUMENT (Both receptive & RE-Active).

MIND EXTERNALISED IS A CONDITION OF SOUL(Cosmic Consciousness) DRIVEN OUT !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We are like Five-storey house with a BASEMENT and a ROOF.

Your identity depends on which floor you live and --when ?

When on BASEMENT YOU DO DIFFERENT WORKS(maybe, no one knows).

when on roof you see different sphere and SPACE which you can't see when on first floor.

What i said is allegorical Poetry like you find in New Testament.

{[what I suggested was KUNDALINI -YOGA of Pre-Vedic SHAIVIC EXPERIENCE ]

Take it or throw it ; Who suffers ??