Saturday, September 30, 2006

`REVELATION`(after the Bible) part - II
The divine moves like a thief
and no body knows
where is HE when
or where HE goes.

That door once open
can never be shut
all gold has to be refined
by fire, like the heart.

Even, when HE is within
you are to knock on the `door`
that `door` has no timber
nor built on any floor.

Hiranmoy Gautom



All perceptions are play on sensory field./Cosmos is a Stage-play ; you are only
programmed to play your part. Birth/and Death are the `names of the same
`coin`called`Life`. Long life can be a boon if you contemplate to know -who you are and why were born ?Learning is through `division`while knowledge matures through sense of Unity; you can count the waves or see the Ocean ;your choice.Cosmos is the play of Nature and Consciousness ,the`Master` of the game.Yesterday is not to-day ; nor to-day the to-marrow; /No river-bank is the same next moment. Play your part as assigned to you and consciously.We`re `free`only in relativity,- not beyond.Material
attachments are like adhesive tapes; easy to get fixed but painful to
get rid off.

Hiranmoy Gautom

Copyright ©2006 Hiranmoy Gautom




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Friday, September 29, 2006

Freeing the soul is not a social theme
freedom from desire the ultimate guide
or final liberation, as you are
Cosmic Consciousness trapped in body & mind
locked and bound by senses and thoughts.
our entire living is but a long dream that
breaks down in final snap called `Death`.

`Me,myself & I` are only Ego`s pride
or subtle traps that hypnotise us.
See only `THAT` anywhere;in all you see
from stone to insects,from grass to tree.
{translated from Atma Geeta Of Bhagavatam}

Thursday, September 28, 2006


It`s finally futile - though/ you may search forever/ even beyond all `strings` or your `M`
IT is not in perceptive field nor intellect
yet , the master of Heisenberg`s uncertainty too
All is - but the play within / that you call - Consciousness
is it mutable? observable or measurable some !
The bird sits on the tree and you conclude/ the bird is an out-growth of it.
Who sees or knows; when or how!
Like that potential Indian `Zero`
IT is omnipotent and the very First cause /with positive `nothingness`
to create, recreate all universes
and manifest in All.

Vedic Seers vs Modern Science :

"From unmanifested and invisible , comes out all that is manifested " - Geeta ch 8th/18

This was uttered at least 500yrs B.C by Vedantic seers .
To day , the String theory admits the same truth that all that is material and observable in the universe/Universes(Megaverse)/ or Cosmos
is the result of vibrating energy called `String`
The `string ` that is only a mathematical entity and shall never will be seen by human eyes , even if proved.
What Einstein told about light being pulled by gravity took more than a decade to be proved true.
In `samadhi you can experience `truth` that can not even be grasped or proved by Modern (technical) Science,which , like Samkhya(Vedantic Darshan), is a path of discriminatory knowledge.

KATHAMRITA :(the way Ramakrishna said them)

Your soul is the abode of the Divine, not your body; like, mind is the instrument of your thought - not your stomach.
If you are sugar yourself , you can`t enjoy the taste of sugar; the learned man studies God , the devotee enjoys Him.
You can`t think about Sun-shine excluding the Sun; can`t think of milk without whiteness. The Divine and all existence is integrated and inseparable, not separate phenomena
Only by transcending this perceptual existence and the manifesting cosmos you can reach the Divine dimension beyond.
Names and forms are only identification marks ,like name-plates and not the essence.
God and this universe is like spider and its net.
The Absolute can not create but only manifest;` Srishti` means manifestation ,-not creation.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

MULTIVERSE( the ultimate cosmology)
So, you admit now
it`s not the single Bang,-big or small
nor billions of `light` years time
nor with a whimp or crunch - it will end
Our mother universes loved by `GOD`;
or our Multiverses
Infinite -without shackles of Time

Yes, they said it -in Vedantic time
before all Science or `Quintissence`(Greek):
- Universes do come and they die
as the ABSOLUTE` inhale and exhale life
Yes, the elements are only eight(Geeta)
including your positive `nothingness`
registered in Vedantic thoughts.
Beyond all vibrating `strings` or plancks
lie,-the ever living the ultimate ONE
exceeding and embracing all!

Phanibhusan Basu

Copyright ©2006 Phanibushan Basu


what you see all around is matter in the perceptual form ,call them visual
solid ,liquid or gaseous states of matter'
What you don`t see or see as empty space is also not empty but filled up with atoms , -bilion -billions of them per squuare centneter of space
What is real emptiness in outer spoace is vacuum ( dark matter anddark energy complex) breeding this tiny unverse or other unverses, like `breeding rats`.
In phylosophical sense it is nowhere empty in the unverse yet everything is product of positive Nothingness( matter -antimatter
By the theory of E= Mc-square., all matters are frozen energy loosing the sppeed of light and all dark matter and dark energy are convertible potential eanergy keeping up the balance between gravitational pull and anti-gravity -push ,resulting to the Cosmological constant of Einstein , the great whose admitted mistake also proved to be a saving revelation to Science..


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This drop of existence alive/ wanted to know/who was it and how things grow/beyond its bulge;
where from it came and this very urge/for growth in consciousness
raised the storm in microbic life.

The electron state in rising form / at last told;
it floated and rolled in a pool/ or on the drain
danced on waves or slept on snow.

Was it a voyage or retreat - who knows !
The root ! the root!/ that`s what it wanted to reach/at the sea of `Time and space`.
its ultimate Consciousness.

N.B : About the voyage of our `soul`
Hiranmoy ----- Gautom

Saturday, September 16, 2006

It is said that throughout the whole length of civilisation and up to date, more blood has been shed and more life killed than it was in wars, all put together. While spirituality is mostly the evolution of soul God-ward or with monistic belief of unitary existence ( even atheists are often more spiritual than decorated religious figures), Religion is mostly a carry forward of ethnics-cultural habits and local capacities of community faith and regional belief. Interesting to note that even ISLAM is an off-shoot of Judo-Cristian faith developing over time'.
For the pope to cast aspersion on any other sibling -religion is sometimes a bit of overtone and one-eyed observation
The Catholic Lords ,themselves should re-inspect their own records of the nature of their treatment and remarks meted out to the then scientific giants e.g. BRUNO.. COPERNICUS. GALILEO and all others . So, ignorance and blind observations is not the sole property of a single religion. ALL religions are God-searching and also, all religions gather `darts and moss, over time and are also the victims of Entropy and survival principle.
If there is not One God for the whole Cosmos, then, I do not need that God for my liberation.

Friday, September 15, 2006

`Theory Of Everything` by _ Stephen Hawking
In quantum theory ,-particle can be created out of energy in the form of particle/anti-particle pairs..............Classical theory is no longer a good description of the universe. there need not be any singularity in quantum theory.
Imaginary Time may sound like science fiction but in fact , it is a well defined mathematical concept.................God may know , how the universe began but we can not give any particular reason for thinking, , it began in one way or other . On the other hand the quantum theory has opened up a new possibility. In this there won`t be any boundary to space-time. there would be no singularities nor any edge of space-time.
The Universe would be completely self-contained . It would neither be created nor destroyed. ........Imaginary time is really, the fundamental Time and what we call real time is some thing we create in our mind............God allow the universe to evolve according to certain set of laws. He does not intervene to break the law once it is out.


Beyond all matter-energy of cosmic-show//beyond all `Space-Time` and Field`
beyond all neutron,proton or quark//or gluon,graviton,photon tricks
Where from rises the `root`!

Beyond all Universes (`breeding like rats`)//within Plank`s quantum or below
transcending,even,all vibrating `Strings`//out-smarting intelligence of Heisenberg
Where from rises the `root`!

How , my perceptions are linked to `I`//What is the `Quantum unit` of the SOUL
What`s the`observer` and his Conciousness//or quantum-unit of the `First cause!
or`observer-obsevation-observed` game!

What is - `Cosmos`! - with no observer
or, what is all this mystic play!

Phanibhusan Basu

Copyright ©2006 Phanibushan Basu

`Even God had to toil to make or manifest this Universe (jag at) but true devotion has only to believe and love.
Once illuminated , you change like an addict and susceptibility remains , like drug effect , remains long after.
Live in this world like a bonded labour (" on this world , not of this world" - New Testament) always praying for release or freedom.
Vitality and healthy body are potential assets for psychic build up.
Live a lonely life like a lion. Do not try to be popular without God`s sanction
Monistic and Dualistic are both pa5ths have divine sanction . It is possible to realise both ,if one has the capacity for both.
God has many faces and myriads of magic power.{ "The full moon is the brightest and most beautiful of all moon lit nights but Thai does not negate other lunar -shapes of the moon of lunar nights" - Avadhut Gita ).Likewise the Divine may manifest in infinite forms and nature..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

BACK TO STRING-THEORY : ( Of Brian Greene ; Fabric of space ;
In 1919 , German mathematician named Theodor Kaluza laid out an approach to unify gravity and Electromagnetism
He proposed that the universe has one more dimension than the four space-time.......String theory is the first to merge general relativity and quantum mechanic
Calabi - Yau space for complicated class of six dimensional space.
The beauty of General Relativity is that the physics of Gravity is controlled by geometry of space.
The Fabric of cosmos may have many more dimension than we perceive directly.
The familiar motion of space-time do not extend to the sub- planckian realm
Special relativity has the constancy of speed of light.
General Relativity has the equivalence principle..
Quantum mechanic has the uncertainty principle.
String - theory has to find something analogous.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

SUB-ATOMIC UNIVERSE ;= Vibrating String =(after Brian Greene`s Fabric of the universe; ISBBN-0-375-41288-3
Vibrating pattern is the particle's finger -print. In early 1970 the first incarnation of string theory was named - Bo sonic theory.
In 1919 the German Mathematician- Theodor Kaluza laid out an approach to unify Gravity and electromagnetism. He proposed that the universe has one more dimension other than 4 space-time.
Current state of Art equipment can not resolve anything smaller than about a thousandth the size of an atomic nuclei.
String theory is the first approach to merge general Relativity and Quantum-mechanics.
The beauty of General relativity is that the physics of gravity is controlled by geometry of space.
The fabric of cosmos may have many more dimensions than we perceive directly
The familiar notion of space-time do not extend into the the sub-planckian realm.

GOD`S EQUATION`(tribute to Einstein)
You were born with it,-the key, from the Divine , the Revelation last(E= mc-square)
to explain the game of the Lord.The play of matter-energy, the Field and the speed of light
Frozen energy in matter-form and spirit reborn from His conscious light, recycled expression of the Absolute!

And no-body does know it yet how the Divine speaks through whom !
The forms and patterns are never true; the matter or energy in either form
is ever one and the same; all within Him and in His name.That Consciousness-light all personified !
That silver -bright halo of shining hair aroond a mystic face divinely sad ! Is it for the whole humanity on the planet or even beyond.
You the messenger divine with more consciousness from Heaven than ordinary mind can fathom or comprehend.Thou realised Truth in your own way and like the sages of the past.

Phani --------- Basu

MAYA AND ILLUSION (After Swami Vivekananda - Complete Works Of ...; vol -II )
1. All life is but only different faces of One - the Absolute.
2, If Magic is Understood , the Magician is exposed .If Maya or Cosmic reality is understood, the Absolute is revealed.
3. Upanishads explains science better than the scientist ( with one exception -Einstein )
4. Counting or measuring the leaves of a banyan tree may be science or arithmetic but that does not explain the mystery of the banyan tree.
5. To make a` Dolly` is easy when you steal a sperm or borrow an ovum and a womb. Try to make a fresh `Dolly` or even a leaf without borrowing anything and you will know.
6. your sense of freedom is your own little intellect which itself is a borrowed light from Cosmic-intelligence. When you jump to fly and is pulled back by Earth,you know how much you are free. Scientists named it - Gravitation. We call it the Law of the Absolute

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My God has no belly-button;- believe it or not... nor there can be different god for different sects, races or even solar systems.
If there is God he is the lord of whole Cosmos. It does not need rocket-science brain to know.. This is common sense.
If our God had a belly-button He would have to have a mothers womb and a participating father . Even he needed his skull, heart, kidney and bladder. and provision for toilet. Biological life came long long ,long after God manifested his consciousness in `Jag-at` or the cosmos.
Believe it or not, no body is under God . There is no physical position needed for the Divine..All that exist , live or evolve, is within THAT and That within all. My God is neither` he, nor `she, nor ,it` . My god is the first Cause and immutable consciousness light-Divine creating all earthly light ,all earthly forces and all worlds ,galaxies and all existence mutable and immutable.

1.Financial security is a basic necessity but can not be the highest goal or ideal.
2.Humanity is the expression or manifestation of the Divine, that does not make all the men neither equal nor divine.
3.Be progressive and spiritual but be practical too..
4. A good play without a villain is neither interesting nor natural. Like nourishing and poisonous fruits there are good and bad people by divine law. They are all necessary for the big plan.
5. Not that all the fishes can be trapped in the fishing net. Some are caught and a few tear through and escape.. Same about being trapped in worldly life and bondage. Only one or two get through.
6. Unless you look upward, you wont see the sky. Lower mind think of divinity as useless persuit.

A Short Story of `String` Theory ;
;{After Brian Greene `s ` Fabric of the Universe `:ISBN 0-375-41288-3}
`String theory accounts for messenger particle exactly as it accounts for matter particle......If string theory is correct, the usual concept of space and time , the frame work within which all of our daily experiences take place simply don`t apply on scales finer than Planck`s scale (scale of string).....there would be no such thing as distance shorter than Planck`s length or duration shorter than Planck`s is a theory that can quell the hostility between Quantum mechanics and General relativity.
Even if the Theory is proved right no body will ever see a `string`.( it is like recording this page from a distance of 100 light -years. Electrons have 3 times the electric charge of the down- quark. Particle-properties are determined by strings vibrational pattern..... The mass of a particle in string theory is nothing but energy of its vibrating string.`

Monday, September 11, 2006

ABOUT `FAITH` {Thjis is a hypothesis out of contemplation. Nothing of this can be proved but analysed through discrimination}
1. We all biological beings are `cosmic- robots` and are on the single chain of life like on the food-chain itself.
2. All biological perceptions and executions are effect of electromagnetic phenomena at chemical level while expanding consciousness in man are gift of Cosmic consciousness.
( Humabn Bering is the only Observer on the field of manifestation of Unitary Cosmic Intelligence.)
3. FAIth is a Hormone on the intellectual and psychic level(Not yet discovered) and depends on the balanced distribution of other endocrene functions working in symphonic harmony , on chemical lecvel of electtro-magnatic display at biological level, -when our soul the pure extension of cosmic consciousness participates. Mixed up faith/consciousness acts also at physical and mental level. Detyh and power of faith varies according to development of conciousness
Rama krishna told it -the best way : - `a 2 litre pot can not hold 4 litre milk` Manifestation of faith in conscious being depends on the genetic pattern and capacity of expanding consciouness..

( Synthesis of Yoga; 6th edition p-36 )
"In the life of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, we see a colossal spiritual capacity, first driving straight to the realisation of, taking as it were , the kingdom of heaven by violence, then seizing upon one yogic method after another and extracting the substance out of it with an incredible rapidity, always to return to the heart of whole matter, the realisation and possession of God by the power of love, by the extension of inborn spirituality into various experience and by the spontaneous play of an intuitive knowledge. Such an example can not be generalised........ .
""...that all sects are fragments of a single integral Truth and all disciplines labour in their different ways towards one supreme experience. To know, be and possess the Divine is the one thing needful and it includes and lead up to all the rest."

Sunday, September 10, 2006

: [Rise of Life ; Theory of almost Every5thing - Bill Bryson ; ISBN- o-7679-0818-X )

"Halley`s Comet is now thought, is about 25% organic Nucleus. Get ennough of those crashing into a suitable place- Earth and you have the basic elements you need for life..,,,,,,,,,,.Animal , plant bug or blob, if it is alive, it will use the same dictionary and know the same code`,,,,, All life is one." - says Matt Riddley. we are the result of a single genetic trick handed down from generation to generation nearly for billion years, to such an extent that we can take fragments of human gegetic instruction, patch it into a faulty yeast cell and the yeast will put it to work as if it was its own. In a real sense it is its own."

SPIRITUALITY :: (After Sayings 0f Ramakrishna in Kathamrita) ;

Must have faith and unidirectional pursuit. .It may not be religious or devotional but faith- bold and spirited . Let it be faith in anthropomorphic God or Monistic formless god . The Divine can reveal in any form of his super conscious whim.
Even Atheistic attitude of not believing in God is a very powerful faith more powerful than the timidity of not being sure of any thing..The moon shines in many form and shape . The divine can play his joy many ways....................
The more one is conscious and aware ,the more you are nearer the monistic Divine. There are all varieties of food in a Restaurant . One selects and eat according to his liking and power of digestion.(Kathamrita -part-1 ; 17th edition; page- 18 to 21)

SPIRITUAL COSMOLOGY:( PRE-EINSTEIN ERA ) After swami Vivekananda ; Coplete works vol - II )
In infinite space there is no up or down. If soul or Consciousness is cosmic and divine, the idea of your soul and my soul is relative or absurd.......Motion is always a relative thing. I move in relation to some thing edlse.....Take the whole universe as one and in relation to what can it move?There is nothing beside it.So this infinite unit is unchangable, immovable,absolute. Our reality, therefore,consists in the universal and not in the limited.....If the Universe is Expanding there must bve some thing more, outside to let it expand.......
Infinity can not have parts. If it has parts , it can not be nfinite.......................After long search here and there last you come back completing the circle from where you started , unto your own soul and find that...... it is your own self, the reality of your life , body and soul.
Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to Trith or die. .....If a noble truth like unselfishness cannot be practised in society, it is better for man to give up society and go into the forest.`

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Atoms consists of elec :trons that swarm around a cetral nucleus that is composed yet of yet friner particles - proton and neutrrons. ........Electrons and quarks are not zero particles. Each particle is actually a tiny vibrating filament of energy ( no thickness , only length). so strings are one dimensional entity and 1000 billion -billion times smaller than single atomic nucleus.
At Micrpscomic level the universe would be akin to a String- symphony, vibrating matter into existence. String theory accounts for the messenger-particle exactly as it accounts for matter -particle.(From - Brian Greene`s Fabric of the Universe; ISBN_0-375-41288-3)
( In vedantic experience all that is, -is the outcome of Vibration known as sabda-brahman. Vedantic Monism also does not recognise the real existence of this universe but as the product of vibration within Divine Consciousness.
The Modern science now admit the same truth as -- all perceptions and realities(within relativity) are the electro-chemical response through elctro-magnetic field.on the frozen energy -unit, called physical body )

(After Swami Vivekananda - Ref Complete works - vol ii }
"what we call matter does not exist at all. It is only a certain state of force. Solidity, hardnessor or any other state of matter can be proved to be the result of motion........... A thread of spider`s web , if it could be moved to almost infinite velocity, would be as strong as an iron chain and would cut through an oak tree.....
...It was the Atman which through the bright body, ...woked on the gross body.......Atman , what ever it may be has neither form nor shape and which has neither form nor shape must be omnipresent.
Time begins with mind, space also , is in the mind........ Without the idea of succession, there can not be any idea of causation. Time, space , causation are therefore, in the mind.".


The salt-doll dared to measure the ocean
and went to swim and dive
never did return to report back
melting,- became the Ocean on itts stife.
If I am a worldly man, - so what
I am fgighting from the fort
Alround have the protective wall
and security for support..
ye don`t know whose son I am
this Earth,that Sun all stars are His
if tell more, you will go to nuts
may falter or faiil but with me -my father is.

KATHAMRITA (SHREERAMAKRSHNA`S SAYINGS)-Modern interpretation for 21st Century - living )
If you have material obligation or bondage , accept it and solve them first before aspiring for spiritual liberation. Even a Space-Rocket must have a hard base for sky-take-off. we should not think of liberation with a given load or responsibility by the process of inheritence and relative disposition. Spirituality is not for cowards who run away or escape the field of realities of life and living.
`Face the brute ` -should be the principle of living before preparation for higher life.
Unitary understanding of perceptual universe is the real knowledge. Count the leaves or see the tree - are the realities of given life. On a sea beach, count the waves or see the ocean . you have to choose or decide.
By division we get fragmented while for spirituality we must have a total vision and Monistic approach.
All fractions and pleurality are within the spheres of 0 and one., the language of Mathematics or modern computer. We are only, the apparent divisions of that indivisible ONE. . ( upto page 19 of ist part of kathamrita -17th edition ).

Friday, September 08, 2006

Even in earthly field of knowledge , we -think , contemplate and propose through, hypothesis, thesis and theories and then wait untill we can prove on material ground. In olden golden days when there was no scientific machine or sophisticated instruments to experiment the scientific theories into provable facts and the spirit of the world in a few sages was so high that they could see event or facts through their power of contamplation and meditation.
Yesterday *8th sept., 06 disclosed a scientific concliusion that "Earth like planets" may be more common than even speculated and about one-third of all solar system have planets supporting life. O.K...
In 1886 radio-telescpope was invented (if i am not wrong) when news about teeming galaxies with solar systwem like ours were admitted.
In 1993 an Idian sage ,(Sree-Ramakrishna) uneducated by Western standard told his expeience in ~SAMADHI` that like millions and millions of crabs swimming on the Ganges , there are living worlds scattered in the universe( ref- Kathamrita ).
Scientifcic world did not believe or even notice this saying. That is the law of science and is understandable.
It took !7 to 19 years for science to experiment and prove that Einstein was right regardong the bending of light by gravitational force.There are other events where science had to wait for long years to establish proof for intuitive revelations. Only recently 47 Ursae Major was discovered on our solar neighbourhood.
Now after almost 125 years an Indian divinine`s unheeded observation with is disciple , is becoming true even in Super -Scientific field. Our universe is not alone (Megaverse); matter is oly frizen energy (E=;Mc.Scquare) ; all experiences are onle vibration (Sabda -brahma).All matter is product of vibrating `STRING` All earthly realities are game of relativity( Absolute vs Cosmic maya or play of Elcromagnatic field.). The Absolute is the only and IT`s manifestation is consciousness in which we,all visible and possible ,are submeged.
The First Cause is the ABSOLUTE which is prior to all Big-Bangs and Its manifestation is CONSCIOUSNESS. We all are within it and pervade3d by it. Life is play of life force (Prana) and Consciousness of the Absolute ,illuminating and manifestating ITSELF. The more we know , further we have to go to find THAT

.....`often behind these ancient mythologies are nuggets of truth; often, I am sorry to say, behind the fine, polished phrases of the moderns are arrant trash. so we need not throw everything overboard because it is clothed in mythology.......
,In modern times if a man quotes a moses or a Buddha or a Christ , he is laughed at; but let him give the name of a Huxley, a Tyndall, or a Darwin and it is swallowed without salt....that was a religious superstition and this is a scientific superstition..............
Every evolution presupposes an involution.... you can only get the amount of energy out of a machine which you have previously put into it.....The religion of the world of course hold that the force called thought manifest the body and not the reverse........To say that the force called soul is the outcome of the combination of the molecules of the body is putting the cart before the horse.`( from complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Vol -2 )

Thursday, September 07, 2006

"FABRiC OF THE COSMOS" - As told by - Brian Greena(!SBN0-375-41288-3

The World on a string :

Newton did not know about atoms. Maxwell did not know about electron . Einstein did not need to adress primordial incarnation of space-time....................Gravitational force is the strongest at Black hole.......Electromagnetism and weak nuclear force are two manifestation of a single force- Electro weak force.
Electro weak and stong forces have been described by a single uniform language based on quaqntum Mechanic.......... all 4 fields are subject to frenzid quantum jitters on microscopic scale.
The concept of nothingness is subtle.....Higgs ocean permeate empty space.
Now, like any other field ,Gravitational field is subject to Quantum jitters.(contd)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

About Ocean and Water

Ninety percent of all water on Earth is in the seas, greater part in the Pacific which covers half the planet and is bigger than all the landmasses put together........... AS Phillip Ball notes,we would better call our planet not Earth but Water...... Of the 3 % of the Earth`s water that is fresh, most exist as ice sheets....... Just 0.001 % exist in cloud or vapour........ If all the water in the atmosphere fell as rain and evenly everywhe3re the ocean would deepen only by one inch.
The eastward spin of the earth piles water up against the ocean`s western margin
Institutional World mostly ignored the Sea and deep water exploration began in 1830.
(from ~the Bounding Main`, Theory of nearly Everything - by Bill Bryson; ISBN o-7679-0818-x )

Monday, September 04, 2006

Essence of Vedantic Spirituality ( after the Geeta : Chapter-wise) - II
11.Seeing `God` Is not visual experience but supra-sensual experience at ESP level. !2)True Bhakti or Devotional spirit comes after God-realisation. One can not love or respect some one does not know. !3.)Field- Know er- Knowledge is unitary power from Cosmic consciousness of the Divine.. 14.) Vibration from the cosmic mind or Mahat generates our mind ,ego and intelligence. These vibrations are of three types a) sattwik b) rajasik and c) tamasik. Their relative proportion in beings make different types of mind. 15 )The manifested universe is like a giant tree hanging upside down. And the Absolute or Purushottama is the first cause of this universe,mutable and immutable. !6 ) Conscious humanity has three potentialities a) Divine B) Human c) demonic
Anger, greed and lust are the three doors for self-destruction.( Hell) !7.) `Shraddha` is an inborn quality like genetic disposition. and are of three types . Types of food do regulate our psychic mood. 18. )Liberation from worldly attachments by transcending all limitations of life is the goal of our life. Dharma is the way of living and is different from the word -religion , which is really a socio-ethnic way of community living, based on collective belief.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spritual Cosmology : Ten Steps towards Divinty ( After tthe Geeta,- vedantic scripture ) = Chapter-wise=

!. Life begins in ignorance, grows with mixed knowledge. Material skill has nothing to do with spirituality.
2. Discrimination is the light ; Death - an exit door( not fanal phase); attachment is cause of suffering
3. Work is inherent in Nature and not the spiritual goal.
4 Experience alone leads to real knowledge
5. Renunciation is not running away from .life.
6.Meditation is throwing away all thoughts to merge in with the Divine
7. Experiencing and transcending the worldly life and then know the cosmic ways- is the path.
8 Eight elements in combination make the Cosmos.
9.Like Modern experimental Science, Raja Yoga is the experimental way to achieve God -realisation
10. All powers ,earthly or spiritual, are gifts from the Divine.

THEORY OF REALITY : Synthesis of Cosmology and vedanta
Voyage within and know thyself to know the cosmic play. The Know er - Knowledge and object of knowing make the Trinity of every thing manifested. Consciousness or know er is the extension of the Divine or first cause.
The First cause is supra dimensional and beyond all Big-bangs and Mega verses.
Ultimate matter is not particle-wave but vibrating `String` (until now ), The immutable light of divine is not measurable but live within law of contemplation(mathematics). Nobody has seen the string and nobody ever will.. Like wise Consciousness is the white light ( luminosity) and master of even EMF- field.Consciousness is the extension of Divinity on the manifestating Cosmos.
The First Cause is neither male nor female nor neuter. It is pre-biologic, the Spirit sanctioning all and everything.
All earthly knowledge and perceptions are broken or fractured truth. all human knowledge is in division. All knowledge is expression within field of relativity..Absolute lie in the realm of Reality and revealed ego-identity is melted in the Absolute , only in Samadhi.
God has no belly-button as that is absurd thought. Belly-button means biologic origin with parent`s participation involved. That does not exclude the potential divinity in Man. The president might have the ultimate power but the Vice-presidents and other divisions are also powerful extensions.
Universes are appearing like ~breeding rats` , the Cosmology admits. All timing is relative and all perceptions are also limited and incomplete.
Total Knowledge and absolute Time lies only with the Divine or the First Cause.
There are millions of living worlds other than ours ,- said Sree Ramakrishna,who knew it in his Samadhi and told it in 1893 i.e three years before the discovery of Radio-Telescope.(The salt idol can be the Ocean by melting into it - only path of Absolute Knowledge.)
Sub-atomic world or universe rule all visible worlds admits Modern Science. From the unmanifested , the manifested is revealed - told in Gee-ta(ch- 8/18 )

Saturday, September 02, 2006

THEORY OF REALITY : (Concluded )
Only the Divine or Cosmic consciousness is immutable and changeless. all others , including Cosmos , is subjected to change or entropy. Like Sun-rays from the Sun all espressions in Nature are the out come from one `single` source.Consciousness may be imagined as the invisible white -Luminosity (non-electromagnetic-field) without heat and cause all illumination at every level(material atomic and sub-atomic).
All life is like river flowing from its source and merging into the sea to surrender its name and form. The ultimate source of everything is the spirit divine ,subtlest and un-knowable in finality. The more , we think, we trace it the finer THAT become.
Even in Physical field of Science, the gross becoming finer and ending in atom, then to sub-atomic particle to Quark to present `idea` of vibrating `string` that has become the present identity of matter.
N.B: This is a venture to try to effect the marriage between Modern Science and Vedantic Realisation ,after Bhagavatam.)

Friday, September 01, 2006

= Love the final codition for spirituality=
Love is the only condition for spiritual `monistic` evoulution and growth of soul to understand the COSMOS and the play of the divine .The Divinity or the First Cause is the final destination where all search of cause and effect finally terminates. This is also the end point where material Science of cosmology and spiritual faith in manifestation of cosmos divulge from each other.
Love is neither biological urge or anything physical or even under the domain of the scientist to obseve ,disect or measure even by mathematics. Real love is the unitary faith and feeling in the biological soul of conscious humanity and has nothing to do with sex ,gender or even seccular knowledge.,. Divine love is unconditional ,all embracing, free of all earthly bondage. This Divine Love inspire soul to renunciate the material world ,not to escape but to embrace all( everything and all beings with indivisible faith of being part and whole of everything that is.. This is the meeting wave-length light for god and concious man to meet and merge into One and iseperable Divinity. Every thing in this universe is subjected to change by Mother Nature`s law , But Cosmic consciousness the source of pure love, is immutable and changeless finality of all that exist and play in diversity and physical variables.No Scientist shall ever put `love` under Hubble`s telescope or any particle splitter(CERN or ....)..If it is not all unifying , it is not spiritual Love.
It this divine love to know ,-that drives a pure Scientist ar even an agnostic to know are search the truth behind all events and find out the link unifuying matter anf life. In that sense all devoted scientistr are real Spiritual men of Samkhy school of Vedantic view.

THEORY OF REALITY ; ( II ) ( Post-Einstein synthesis of Scientific and vedantic view of living Cosmos ; after Atma -Geeta of Bhgavatam, Sermon of Dying Krishna)

We, conscious beings, are like actors on the stage of life. The Play-wright is the cosmic consciousness . Like the Sun for the Solar field, Consciousness is the real author of that is manifested and expressed by the play of observer. Like the glittering of billions of sea-waves by a single moon of moon-lit night , we are all reflector of the cosmic consciousness. Or like all the electrical gadgets in the world run by Unitary Electricity all living process and expressions are the play of a single source, the Absolute (author of consciousness). Our `I,-ness is a borrowed ego-sense. Our living process is the resultant effect of life-force and soul-effect of cosmic consciousness. All knowledge and discoveries are only effect of expanding consciousness. Clouding and degrading consciousness make all variable and myriad conclusions in our mind .It is like different shades of the same light making different illumination or obscuring effect.. Ethics, morality, immorality, sorrow , ealtion are all the variable effect of consciousness on the myriad screen of living units, the source or consciousness being the One Author ofd all cosmic play.